Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Spy Who Texted Me… Big Sis Invades Your iPhone

By Danny Panzella
via: TruthSquad.tv

Ironically named after the Patriot Act, PatriotAppTM has just been released for the Apple iPhone. According to the developers website, Citizens Concepts says their app will “deputize your iPhone or iPad.”  They claim that the app “empowers citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities via social networking and mobile technology.”

This app was founded on the belief that citizens can provide the most sophisticated and broad network of eyes and ears necessary to prevent terrorism, crime, environmental negligence, or other malicious behavior, but what it really does is turn average citizens into a network of spies feeding information back to the federal government.

Last week the Department of homeland security put out a press release announcing their new ‘If you see something, say something’ campaign. As part of this campaign “1984” style telescreens in “big box” corporate chains like Wal-Mart will broadcast government propaganda messages while shoppers check out.

Partners in the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign include the Mall of America, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, Amtrak, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, sports and general aviation industries, and state and local fusion centers across the country.

The 4th amendment has in effect been suspended. Airline and train travelers are now guilty until proven innocent by either a digital strip search, or an invasive sexual assault now referred to as an “enhanced pat down.” VIPER teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention & Response) with naked body scanners and enhanced pat downs are screening passengers in Florida bus terminals and are coming soon to sports arenas as stated in the Homeland Security press release.

According to the Operation Defuse website a “fusion center” is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement apparatus which seeks to merge the information gathering and intelligence sharing practices of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Basically it is an information hub where local, state and federal agencies share their databases and watch lists. The need for this information sharing was initially meant as a means of combating terrorism. Operation Defuse goes on to say that the fusion centers have drifted even further from their original purpose collecting and analyzing private non-criminal information such as shopping purchases, driving habits, parking tickets and even health records violating the 4th and 5th amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

Now “big sister” has a new informant in the war on the U.S. Constitution. Using the PatriotApp iPhone users can report suspicious or terrorist activity and even report a color coded “threat level.” You can also send information about illness outbreaks, product safety complaints, environmental violations or sightings of “most wanted” criminals from your phone directly to agencies like  FBI, CDC, FAA, FDA, EPA or GAO.

The public is being turned into a nation of government tattle tale informants. Further eroding the Constitution and helping the Feds end run around the need for warrants for intelligence gathering. These “tips” can be used as reasonable suspicion or probable cause to open up investigations on citizens for any number of innocuous behaviors. PatriotApp even integrates with Facebook and Twitter. Social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter make private and personal information public domain. More than that they have accustomed the American psyche to believe that privacy is only for those who are hiding something.

As Janet Napolitano says, homeland security starts with “home town security” These type of “Orwellian” programs also foment fear and paranoia with in the community. When everyone is a potential terrorist threat trust breaks down, and therefore community support dissipates. In turn crime rises which leads to more police state measures to combat that rising crime. It is a vicious circle of self perpetuating collectivist control and before you know it you are living in a totalitarian state.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Against Anarcho-Illuminism: Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati Manifesto


BY WAYNE JOHN STURGEON - a British Israelite - has a keen interest in political and Occult conspiracies, Arthurian legend and the English visionary William Blake. He is also the brains behind Albion Awake and is perhaps best described as an Anarcho-Nationalist, applying a distinctly non-violent and anti-fascist approach to national liberation.

On Mayday 1776 Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati (otherwise known as the Order of Perfectibilists). He was of Jewish background, had been educated and trained by the Jesuits/Society of Jesus before becoming a Protestant and then a pantheist under the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza.

This adoption of pantheism would further develop into an occult-based humanism and a socio-political programme that held the following SIX basic tenets of doctrine:

  1. Abolition of monarchy and all ordered governments

  2. Abolition of private property

  3. Abolition of inheritance

  4. Abolition of patriotism

  5. Abolition of the family (i.e of marriage, all Christian morality and the institution of the communal education of children)

  6. Abolition of all religion

 What is very interesting about this Manifesto is that it essentially encapsulates in short, systematic form the basic and generally accepted beliefs of secular Anarchism (and sometime before the advent of people like Proudhon and Bakunin!).

Can one conclude then, that the philosophical basis for Anarchist ideology as it is commonly accepted and understood today originated within a particular branch of esoteric freemasonry just prior to the French Revolution?

What is also striking about this is that no one can apply it to the basic vision of the New World Order (the contemporary manifestation of the Illuminati plan and conspiracy for a Judeo-Masonic one world government and religion?).

Globalisation and neo-liberalism is doing today exactly what the six points of Weishaupt’s programme was trying to do and achieve through seditious and instrumental action all those many years ago.

The infamous Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion document appears to be based on the same basic principals in historical continuity and it has much to say concerning the spread of Anarchist ideology (the background, history and its contested authenticity etc. is best answered by issues 16-17 of The Truth Campaign Magazine, edited by Ivan Frazer, 49 Trevor Terrace, North Shields, Tyne and Wear NE30 2DF, England. Website: http://www.vegan.swinternet.co. uk/truthcampaign.html). Whilst Ivan Frazer suggests that the Protocols are an authentic document, the best case for arguing that they are a forgery has been articulated by the brilliant Norman Cohn in his book Warrant For Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy. Also worthy of mention in this regard is the considerable critical research done by the libertarian Alexander Baron. The test is to consider both sides of the argument and keep an open mind before making an informed judgement.

Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin:
Anarchist freemasons and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It may come as a shock to many Anarchists out there that three of the main historical ideological founders of contemporary Anarchism - i.e. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Michael Bakunin and Peter Alexander Kropotkin - were all members of Masonic lodges (for a highly informative series of articles detailing the evolution of ‘Masonic’ Anarchism via secret societies please refer to the publication Mind the Gap, published by the Anarchist Nihilist accords. E-mail address: ana@aworld.u-net.com or telephone 0207 681 1225).

Bakunin’s lodge, otherwise known as ‘The International Social Democrat Alliance’, actually published a manifesto which undoubtedly built upon and developed the original prototype document credited to Weishaupt’s Illuminati, actually paraphrasing or plagiarising it in places!

Proudhon was part of a lodge cryptically entitled ‘The Black International’ of the Illuminati, in contrast to other parts or factions of the same umbrella organisation that was either called the ‘Red’ International/Illuminati and representing Communist ideology or the ‘Gold’ International representing Capitalist free marketeers etc.

Proudhon used the symbol of ‘the Beehive’ to conceptualise his vision of what was later to develop into Syndicalism, although according to some sources this is a secret code relating to a pyramidal scale of adepts controlled by one all-seeing eye or brain at the top, i.e. like a queen bee (see The Battle of the Trees by Renee Henry, Freedom House, 1995, Nesta H. Webster’s classic Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Christian Book Club of America, 1924, and also The Revolt Against Civilisation by Christina Lothrop Stoddard, 1923).

The controversial ideas contained in the infamous document entitled the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are also incredibly similar to the protocols of Weishaupt and Bakunin in places and cryptically mention Anarchism in two or three places, principally Protocols 1, 3 and 9. Protocol 3 actually reads: ‘We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry.’

Bolshevism, Zionism and the Second World War

The Protocols appeared in public just at the end of the Nineteenth Century and if one takes time to read and study them with an open but discerning mind they rather disturbingly appear to portray a kind of mystical demonic blueprint for the Twentieth Century (and perhaps early-Twenty-First, too).

They have consistently been credited with revealing an alleged Judaeo-Masonic conspiracy via the twin forces of Marxian ‘Bolshevik’ Communism and Rothschildian speculative Capitalism to bring about a United States of Europe, i.e. the EU, a League of Nations, the UN and a State of Israel in Palestine (and further to evolve into a centralised and authoritarian one world government and one world religion under a Talmudic Jewish Messiah figure - possibly the Anti-Christ - and all protected by the American Zionist-occupied Government).

Indeed, many controversial and revisionist historians have made the case that both world wars and especially the Second World War were actually engineered and manipulated from behind the scenes to bring about such a progressively evolving world picture, and people instrumental in bringing this about were the three figures of British Prime Minster Winston Churchill, American President Franklin Roosevelt and the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin (all three were Masons) . The Protocols make mention (Protocol 24) of the fact that ‘only the king and those who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming’, and the biblical Book of Revelation refers to a dragon who spits out ‘three’ unclean spirits (Chapter 16, Verse 13). Is this symbolic of three ideologies that will feature in bringing about the vision contained in the Protocols, i.e. Zionism as represented by Churchill (who actually referred to himself as an ‘architect of a Zionist future’), Capitalism represented by Roosevelt and Communism represented by Stalin?

Of course, what many people fail to appreciate is that to some extent the Second World War really started in Spain in 1936 via the Spanish Civil War, a conflict in which organised International Anarchism played a significant part. It was here that perhaps certain ideological forces shot and delivered their first blow against each other whether Communist, Capitalist, Anarchist or Fascist. And Fascism particularly of the Nazi variety had/has well proven and established roots in Theosophical reactionary Occultism and certain sinister secret societies which has been well documented by a number of researchers and authors. It appears, however, that Hitler and his cronies were really the ‘fall guys’ or Illuminati patsies for the plan as briefly outlined and alluded to above, as the Protocols make reference to actually needing ‘anti-Semitism for the management of the lesser brethren’. For anyone interested in investigating this theme further I strongly suggest the following material available from Bloomfield Books, 26 Meadow Lane, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO20 6TD, England (Telephone 01787 376374): The Nameless War by Captain A.H.M. Ramsey, Deadlier Than the H-bomb by Leonard Young, and David Icke’s And the Truth Shall Set You Free).

‘If there is no God - then everything is permitted!’

So where does this all lead us? I’m sure this article will perhaps shock and surprise many in the contemporary Anarchist movement, particularly of the Leftist variety with a politically-correct axe to grind.

As an ‘Anarchist’ who is also a Christian I sometimes wonder if the atheistic roots of Anarchy actually originate with Weishaupt, indeed, the Protocols boast of the successes the conspirators have achieved via the philosophies of Darwin, Marx and Nietzsche (see Protocol 2) and when you consider the basic beliefs and doctrines of the so-called Illuminati mentioned at the beginning of this article you can see them lived out by many contemporary Anarchist organisations and individuals, and perhaps the agent-provocateur methodology of the secret societies springs to mind, i.e. to infiltrate Anarchist groups/movements etc. to cause certain disturbances, riots etc. but to ultimately further consolidate reactionary authoritarian power as the Protocols themselves suggest? Out of chaos, order: the New World Order.

As a Christian I reject all manifestations of secular idealism and organised naturalism whether it goes under the name of humanism, liberalism, post-modernism, the New Age or indeed ‘Anarchism’ of the secular-atheistic humanist variety with its Enlightenment/French Revolution cry of ‘no gods, no masters!’. Anarchy as a social and individual philosophy is actually in danger of being co-opted into a reactionary, pre-totalitarian force (via the contemporary so-called ‘peace’ movement), particularly in its ‘Leftist’ tradition (which is the dominant one in this country, at least). And even though it is right to challenge the growing trend towards globalisation and political and economic centralisation, environmental pollution etc. (all themes that appear regularly in ‘conservative’ evangelical Christian schools of prophecy in relation to the so-called ‘end times’), it still does so operating from a philosophical framework that is entirely consistent with the Illuminati plan for specifically anti-Christian social disintegration and ruin when, ironically, Christianity is the only world-view that actually holds the key to human liberation and freedom and values the intrinsic worth and dignity of personality amid the mass of numbers and reductionism that seeks to undermine the image of God in man and thus make him a slave to the tyranny of an idol made in his fallen image. Against such a vision I resist and make no apology when I cry:

Smash Anarcho-Illuminism
Resist the Judaeo-Masonic superstate
End Marxian Communism and Rothschildean Capitalism
For the awakening of Albion
The re-enchantment of Britain
And the truth against the world - Albion arise!

Important Note:

Tragic things have happened in history when people have needed social scapegoats to compensate for failed personalities, so I must make it perfectly clear that in writing this article I am not in the least bit promoting or encouraging any kind of so-called ‘anti-Semitism’, as in fact the term is Orwellian polemical doublespeak. The Arabs in Palestine are, properly speaking, of Semitic descent whilst the majority of Jews are not, being of European Khazar descent (see The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler). So the term ‘anti-Semite’ could be more accurately applied to the Arabs, i.e. anti-Arab which, ironically, the Zionist State of Israel actually is (the Talmud also being one of the most racist books ever written)!

I am not anti-Jewish, either, and believe all forms of religious or racially motivated hate or bigotry to be intrinsically wrong and contrary to the basic principles of an enlightened humanity. If I take issue with Talmudic Judaeo-Zionism (as I do with ‘fundamentalist’ Islam and Christianity), it is only with those in control, those in power, the global elite; not with the simple ‘Jewish’ guy in the street. Just like one may oppose the reactionary institution of the Papacy and its bastardised version of Christianity, i.e. the ‘hierarchy’ and not the laity or ‘Catholic’ people themselves. As Bob Marley once put it: ‘Shoot the sheriffs, not the deputies’, or words to that effect. This is a valid point to make and distinguish as all too often when one even dares to question alleged historical facts concerning for example the Second World War (and in particular the holocaust, as Bob Black of Anarchy After Leftism has), most Leftist Anarchists always react in the same pavlovian way and attack individuals like David Icke without even hearing him or giving him the courtesy of actually reading what he has written in order to distinguish from what he hasn’t!

Sometimes, in researching a theme it often means quoting from sources that might otherwise be considered dubious (i.e. to quote or use Nesta Webster as source material does not necessarily imply that one need agree with every point she made or view that she held. The truth may be quite to the contrary). Also, may I make it clear that anyone who believes the whole world is controlled from behind the scenes by a rabbinal clique is guilty of reactionary reductionism in the extreme. The truth is no doubt that there are several world conspiracies going on at any one time, depending on which particular ideology/religion is competing for world hegemony, whether it is Zionist, papal, Masonic or Islamic (and no doubt these guys all fight amongst themselves to see who’s vision will succeed).

No religion, ideology or institution is above criticism providing one is attacking a system and not a people. As for ‘anti-Semitism’, being a believer in the view that the British are of Semitic origin (i.e. descended from the biblical Shem) it is hard to be anti-Semitic myself! Interestingly, there is now a growing movement within Judaism which, whilst being non-Christian, accepts the Israelite origins of Western peoples (see reference to Yair Davidy Brit-am on the Albion Awake! website links section. Further discussion on this piece can be found in the article Towards a Non-Racial and Philo-Semitic Reconstruction of Anglo-Israelism, which is also on the Albion Awake! website). Although the majority of contemporary Jewry (90% being of Eastern European and Russian Khazar descent and known as ‘Ashkenazim’) does not have any legitimate claim to Palestine/Israel, the minority ‘Sephardic’ Jews are of true Semitic blood (via Spain, Africa etc.) and thus do have some legitimate claim to a homeland alongside the Muslim Arab population (who are descendants of the biblical ‘Ishmail’, please refer to Genesis 16 verses 1-16 and particularly verse 12). But not in the context of uprooting the indigenous Palestinian people who, despite the unbiblical rhetoric of much contemporary Christian Zionist fundamentalism, have every right to their own self-determination in the Promised Land. Never has the need for a ‘Libertarian-Zionism’ with a reconstruction of Jewish nationhood in harmony and self-determination and the best ethical traditions within Islam been more urgent than now, minus the authoritarian tendencies towards a dictatorial Islamic theocracy since all three of the major theistic traditions are ultimately derived from the biblical prophet Abraham. http://welcome.to/albion.awake

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lady Michèle Renouf in Teheran: ‘Mideast Peace Solution in SE Russia’


THE MODERN WORLD’S FIRST ZION is a story that needs to be brought to as many people as possible.

This forgotten Manchurian paradise of “milk and honey” welcomes the world’s Jews with open

arms, unlike the Palestinian desert. This autonomous region was recently visited by the president of

Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, himself probably of Jewish stock. The Birobidzhan option is a viable and

equitable solution to the problem of Israel.


In the July 5th issue of AMERICAN FREE PRESs, Paul

Craig Roberts, the former assistant secretary of the

U.S. Treasury, writing after the Zionist lobby’s inter-

Jewish backbiting against veteran journalist Helen

Thomas, insisted he did “not want Israel destroyed.”

Whereas Ms. Thomas suggested returning Israeli Jews to

their old European haunts, Mr. Roberts

made what he called the “rhetorical

proposal to relocate Israelis in the

U.S.” Yet neither has been willing to

state the obvious: that Israel at no time

had any moral right to exist anywhere

in Palestine.

(The living criminal blueprint for

the Jewish state was drawn up by

Theodor Herzl in 1895 when Adolf

Hitler was aged 6, and World War II half a century away, and

therefore irrelevant to the plan.)

As it happens there is a real, rather than rhetorical, alternative

homeland option where the world’s Jews could relocate

in perfect safety. Here their security wall would be

optional rather than a self-fulfilling credal projection of their

anti-gentile identity. A homeland which has never provoked

desperate suicide bombings or rocket attacks, since its creation

did not involve mythic impostures of “God-given”

privileged real estate, the genocidal blueprint for piracy of

other people’s ancestral land or their credally “authorized”

displacement to besieged refugee camps.

The founding of this homeland predated the Zionist state

by two decades. This Jewish Republic (in all but name) is

the size of Switzerland. It still exists, and Yiddish is its first

official language. What is officially called the Jewish Autonomous

Region, though generally referred to by the name

of its capital city Birobidzhan, it is located on Russia’s southeastern

border with China. It was created in 1928 during the

early days of the former Soviet Union

and formalized in 1934.

I have had the opportunity to speak

about Birobidzhan on two occasions

this year in very different though

equally prestigious venues. These venues

each owe their best ethics essentially

to the Classical Greek scientific

attitude. The House of Lords in London,

Mother of Parliaments, still purveys

the aura of centuries-old sovereign tradition, though

sadly Zionist-occupied territory for the past century and a

half. By contrast the Iranian presidential headquarters in

Teheran is today the principal target of predatory Zionist

envy and aggression against the success of the Khomeini

revolution, which made Iran’s economy and foreign policy

off limits to international “greed is good”-oriented usurers.

On each occasion my public interventions on this subject

were carefully monitored and commented on by the Community

Security Trust (CST), the private army and intelligence

organization of the UK’s Jewish community. The CST


“The living criminal blueprint

for the Jewish state was drawn

up by Theodor Herzl in 1895

when Adolf Hitler was aged 6,

and World War II half

a century away.”



was set up in 1994 by jailbird tycoon Gerald Ronson, the archetypal

Jewish shtarker or “hardman,” who previously cofounded

the “62 Group,” a thuggish gang specializing in

brutal attacks on anti-Zionists in London and around the

United Kingdom.

While the 62 Group’s hitmen often found themselves on

the wrong side of the law, the increasing power of the Zionist

lobby in recent decades is reflected in the enhanced status of

Ronson’s newer Jewish security force. The CST is not only

tolerated by the British authorities, the Home Office and UK

police forces actively and openly assist their operations. Indeed

they act as a privileged nationalist police force within

another nation.

Earlier this year the CST found it “troubling” to note that

I “was speaking to a meeting at the House of Lords, where

[my] proposal was greeted with applause . . . to promote her

campaign to have Jews relocate en masse to Birobidzhan, a

Jewish autonomous region established

in the eastern Soviet Union by Stalin in


A few months later they were even

more concerned, noting my impromptu

address to a thousand international delegates

gathered at President Ahmadinejad’s

Teheran headquarters during the

4th International Conference on Imam

Khomeini and Foreign Policy, organized

by the Iranian Institute for Political

and International Studies.

I used this invitation to propose—directly to President

Ahmadinejad — Birobidzhan as a home for Israel’s Jews. It

is a ready-made, common sense option and just conclusion

to the rogue criminal occupation of Palestine.

As I explained to the assembled company: Indeed after

1928 European Jews had no need to pirate Palestine, and to

this day a Jewish Autonomous Region called Birobidzhan

exists peacefully and available on Russia’s southeast border

with China, having never displaced an indigenous people for

its creation. Today some Jews—for instance Prime Minister

Binyamin Netanyahu’s PR officer during a live televised debate with me—

try to claim that it was an act of anti-Semitism

when Stalin gave this region of 30,000 square kilometers (the

size of Switzerland) to Jews. The truth is that Stalin was providing

every ethnic group comprising the Soviet Union with

its own autonomous region, and nothing “anti-Semitic” has

ever endangered Birobidzhan during its 82 autonomously

Jewish, safe and peaceful years of existence.

Furthermore, in 1945, when secular European Jews were

crying “we are a people without a homeland, Palestine is a

land without a people,” again they lied, for in 1945 there was

no political impediment to prevent European Jewry heading

for the welcoming arms of their vast and long-established

Jewish Autonomous Region in Birobidzhan.

The same is true today, yet in our mainstream media we

hear not a word of Birobidzhan. Only rarely does the Jewish

Telegraphic Agency (JTA) mention Birobidzhan, and when

it does it refers to it disingenuously as a “district.” Which

district in the world is the size of Switzerland? The fact is

that since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its ethnically

autonomous regions have been entitled to republic status,

yet the JTA lets us know that due to so-called “sensitivity”

to Israel, Birobidzhan has declined, due to fear of raising

gentile public awareness of its existence, to acknowledge its

status as this first Jewish homeland,

which is all but a state and republic.

My hope is that our singularly upstanding

President Ahmadinejad, who

speaks the whole political truth bravely,

will promote awareness of the first

Jewish homeland and that there is no

need for European Ashkenazim Jews to

go back to Germany, Poland or Austria

when they have their own state whose

first language is Yiddish.

Please view my “first homeland” option and morale rearmament

website at www.birobidjan.co.uk (also see

www.jewishrepublic.com) for, in the spirit of Imam Khomeini,

there you will find a campaign for moral and morale

rearmament. The Palestinians whose Nakba constitutes the

greatest and longest tragedy of the 20th century—those

brave voters who democratically elected the long heroic

Hamas—deserve the return of every inch of their tormented

land, and not any part in the specious “one-state two-state”

farce. The immediate vacation of European Jews from all of

Palestine and compensation to the indigenous Arab people

is more than overdue to those who, for more than a century,

continue to fight for Reason at the front line of historical

truth and international justice for all of us.

The CST warned its supporters: “Ahmadinejad’s response

to Renouf ’s plea is not known. But if the Iranian

president does, at some point in the future, propose deporting

Israeli Jews to Birobidzhan, you will know where he


“Earlier this year the CST

found it ‘troubling’ to note

that I ‘was speaking to a

meeting at the House of Lords,

where [my] proposal was

greeted with applause’.”




heard it first.”

So let me tell you, dear doughty

readers of TBR. Eyeball to eyeball

the dauntless president said in English,

“you and me, we see it the


That may be because Khomeini’s

ongoing successful morale rearmament

revolution is surprisingly

like the key note of the

courageous bishop, Richard Williamson who

said: without historical

truth there can be no international

justice, and that “historical truth

goes by evidence, not by emotion.”

The opposing predatory strategy

of our international Zionist foe

depends upon the flimsy bind that

truth cannot matter to a man whose

livelihood depends upon his not

seeing it. Yet without a “prophecy

come true” swindling line, the advertising

mystique of the “Zionist

Entity” can be readily undone. As

Mr. Roberts points out, this charity

state is “heavily dependent on U.S.

largess.” So let’s just turn off the

American taxpaying pipeline to the

unworthy self-worshipping charity

state of Israel, Mr. Roberts.

I would suggest that the existence

of Birobidzhan is the non

“anti-Semitic” option that is missing in everybody’s “one-state

or two-state” farce.

However, as Mr. Roberts appears not to have seen

through the credal incompatibility of Judaism with Palestinian

equality, regrettably he returns to the consensually

floundering inoperative “nice” fantasy of Zionism’s critics

that “Israel should be moved or reformed.” But a “reformed

Israel” is nothing but an oxymoron. Hasn’t he noticed that

that Israel is the barbaric Old Testament made manifest? Israeli-

born “ex-jew” Gilad Atzmon certainly has said—and

he should know—that 97% of Israelis backed the “Operation

Cast Lead” gratuitous terror upon the besieged impoverished

Gazans. This proves that Old Testament-dedicated

Israel is morally non-“reformable.” Let’s just dismantle this

criminal entity and let Jewry live and let live in their Jewish

Republic of Birobidzhan so that the Palestinians need no

longer fight for Reason at the front line of historical truth

and international justice for all of us.


LADY MICHELE RENOUF is a truth activist, lifelong model and international TV commercials actress, socialite and former professional ballet dancer and beauty contest winner. She holds diplomas in art and educatio and became a lecturer at Queensland University of Technology. Lady Renouf has become known in recent years for her support of persecuted Revisionist historians. Her documentary Telling Films DVDs illustrating the issues in this article are all available online (profit-free) at her website ww.jewishrepublic.com. Renouf's DVD Jailing Opinions is available in very limited quantities from TBR for $20 plus $3 S&H inside the U.S. You may also order Jailing Opinions directly from Renouf by following the link from the DVD / CD catalogue at

www.jewishrepublic.com or from www.jailingopinions.com

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A "Loophole" to a Statist Few is a Birthright to the Majority

Via: Survival Blog

By James Wesley, Rawles

I'm tired of hearing hoplophobic whiners in their endless prattle about "the gun show loophole." Just what is this "loophole" they are talking about? It is in fact perfectly legal commerce between private citizens of the same state. This not a "loophole". Rather, it is merely the exercise of free trade in used household goods between sovereign citizens within their own states. Gun shows are a time-honored tradition--not some sort dodgy maneuvering.

The leftist whiners are again begging congress to apply the Interstate Commerce Clause to restrict intrastate sales. That is just plain extra-jurisdictional and hence absolutely unconstitutional. (Does the phrase "No nexus" mean anything to them?) In light of the U.S. v. Lopez decision, there is no way that the Commerce Clause can be contorted to fit their expansive view.

Some of the biggest whiners are the members of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a civilian disarmament cabal that was created by billionaire Michael Bloomberg. Most of the members are leftist big city Democrats from eastern states. Ironically, this group has a membership roster with a remarkably high felony conviction rate. According to Conservapedia their roster has included these criminal mayors:

  • Former Mayor Gary Becker of Racine, Wisconsin. (He was convicted of attempted child sexual assault and child enticement. With a shopping trip to the juniors' section of the lingerie department of a local store, Becker threw a monkey wrench into the sentencing phase of his trial. Just as he was on the verge of getting a light or suspended sentence, he instead earned himself a three year prison term.)

  • Former Mayor David Delle Donna of Guttenberg, New Jersey (Federal extortion and mail fraud charges. Both he and his wife are now serving four+ year felony sentences.)

  • Former Mayor Sheila Dixon of Baltimore, Maryland. (Found guilty of four counts of perjury, two counts of misconduct, three counts of theft, and three counts of fraudulent misappropriations. A "probation before judgment" (PBJ) sweetheart sentencing deal enabled her to keep her $83,000 per year pension.)

  • Mayor Jerramiah Healy of Jersey City, New Jersey. (Convicted for obstruction of justice in 2007, but still in the mayor's seat!)

  • Former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit, Michigan. (Two felony obstruction of justice sentences stemming from his efforts to cover up an extramarital affair. He also pleaded no contest to charges of assaulting a police officer attempting to serve a subpoena a friend in that case. He is now back in prison for violation of parole, and he still faces trial on additional charges. That trial will most likely begin in mid-2011.)

  • Former Mayor Larry Langford, of Birmingham, Alabama. (He was included in a 101-count indictment for conspiracy, bribery, fraud, money laundering, and filing false tax returns in connection with a long-running bribery scheme. Convicted on 60 counts, he is now serving a 15 year sentence.)

  • Deceased Mayor Frank Melton of Jackson, Mississippi. (At the time of his death was under felony indictment on civil rights charges. He died before a scheduled re-trial, following a mistrial.)

  • Former Mayor Eddie Perez of Hartford, Connecticut. (Felony bribery, fabricating evidence, conspiracy to fabricate evidence, and first-degree larceny by extortion. Now serving a three year prison sentence.)

  • Former Mayor Samuel Rivera, of Passaic, New Jersey. (Corruption, influence peddling, and extortion charges. Sentenced to 21 months in prison.)

  • Former Mayor Will Wynn, of Austin, Texas. Convicted of a Class C misdemeanor, for "a choking assault on a man who had crashed a party."

If the foregoing isn't enough, Conservapedia also details numerous firearms-related scandals involving members of the mayors' group, including Bloomberg himself.

It goes without saying that once someone is convicted of a felony, it is crime under Federal law and most state laws to possess a modern cartridge firearm. So perhaps if these do-gooders want to restrict "Illegal Guns", then they ought to start by disarming themselves

Holiday Toy drive

NATA-NY and WeAreChange NYC will be helping Dominick Andreana run a Holiday toy drive. The toys will be donated to Project hospitality for less fortunate children. The children are both male and female between the ages of 8-14. Anyone interested in donating to the toy drive, please contact  Dom @ dominickandreana@aol.com or 13475229301 or myself @ craig.fitzgerald1@gmail.com. We will also be accepting  toy donations at  WeAreChange street actions @ ground zero Saturday the 11th and 17th between 3-5pm. Your Donations will be much appreciated, and you could do wonders in a child's life. Last years Toy Drive


Thursday, December 2, 2010

The United States “Economic Civil War”

Danny Panzella

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont gave an impassioned speech on the floor of the Senate yesterday. Mr. Sanders railed on the top 12th of  the top 1% of the wealthy in the United States. Highlighting their oligarchical control of the congress, their use of taxpayer money in the form of subsidies, grants, special tax exemptions and bailouts to continue to force the middle class into poverty.

While I disagree with Mr. Sanders assertion that the “Bush tax cuts” should be repealed, and the Death tax should remain in place, I whole heartedly agree with his assessment of the economic situation.

The government already taxes far beyond its authority, the Bush tax cuts are an attempt to limit the amount the federal government can tax, does it benefit the wealthy more than the poor and middle class? Certainly. Should it be repealed allowing the Government to confiscate wealth that does not belong to it, skim off the top and then redistribute a pittance to the little guy? Certainly not. As far as the death tax goes, that money has already been taxed once, to tax it again upon death only serves to ensure people spend their money before they die leaving no wealth for the younger generations to improve their economic status.

So if Sanders is wrong on the solutions to the very real crisis we are in, what are the solutions? It all begins with a sound money system. We need to Audit the private corporation that controls our currency and monetary policy. This will expose the corruption of the Federal Reserve system which will convince the American people it is time to abolish the Fed.

With the currency and monetary policy back in the hands of the congress who is accountable to “we the people” we will start to see economic policy that benefits the people. The next step in this process is to repeal the 17th Amendment, putting the election of Senators back into the hands of the State Legislators. This will ensure that these Senators are loyal to the State, and NOT special interest groups or the Federal Government. With direct election by the people the Senate is loyal to the Federal Government because that is how they protect their own power. Campaign finance reform is the third crucial step towards true Constitutional Government. In a world where dollars translate into political speech; the top 12th of 1% that Mr. Sanders mentions have all the voice while they have reduced we the people to little more than a vote.  In the age where the main stream corporate media are the gate keepers to decide which Candidates are given opportunity to address the people. Keep in mind that top 12th of 1% OWN the 6 corporations that OWN ALL of the main stream media.

The tea party has been a very important part of this process of getting our country back on track, yet much of the tea party is being co-opted by fake neo-conservatives like Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. I can hear the groans now as people dismiss Bernie Sanders speech because he is a socialist. We the people need to unite on our commonalities so we can defeat the real enemy, that 12th of 1% that rules the United States through corporate monopoly control and the media induced illusion of choice.

The left and right need to put aside their ideological differences and build a coalition on the common interest of self preservation, preservation of our natural or human and civil rights. The tea party & coffee party for the most part desire the same goal. To bring true change to the United States. Peace, equality, to stamp out hunger and empower the poor to be successful; for each successive generation to enjoy a greater standard of living than the previous. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL mankind. Let’s work together to counteract the main stream propaganda media, identify the real problem and eliminate it. Then the tea party and coffee party can argue over the solutions once we the people are in control of our country once again.

Bay Area National Anarchists Position Statement

The official Twenty-Five Point Program of BANA was recently ratified. We hold the following points to be a true and fair description of our agenda:

1. Recognizing that the United States of America no longer represents the interests of the people and our tribes and is rapidly degenerating domestically and steadily being brought under the rule of a global corporate state internationally, the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) is established for building and supporting a unified resistance front among all groups, organizations and movements opposed to the common cultural and social threats to the native peoples of the nine Bay Area counties.

2. BANA is a non-partisan, secular, and open source, social movement. Our allies and supporters may come from any political party, ideological background, ethnic group or religion. BANA seeks to network with and form alliances with groups and individuals from many ideological backgrounds. Our grievance is with the power structure, not people with different beliefs.

3. We recognize that the nine Bay Area counties have a diverse and multicultural character that demands the creation of Autonomous Tribal Authorities that formally represent their members based upon the Identity that most suitable reflects the values of an individual and family. The Autonomous Tribal Authorities may be established on the basis of local, national, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, political, or other distinguishing characteristics.

4. In order to achieve the well being and independence of the nine Bay Area counties we hold that ecologically responsible and sustainable development take precedence over profit driven considerations.

5. BANA works for the creation of a self-sustainable autarchic economy oriented towards ecologically sustainable economy. BANA supports and fosters entrepreneurial endeavors for this purpose.

6. BANA seeks to help the poor free themselves from state dependency through the creation of alternative assistance programs, and non-governmental community works programs.

7. We advocate for a reform of the education system to be community-based private education. We encourage community-based initiatives such as neighborhood schools, home schools, apprenticeship, mentoring, self-education, and technology to reach this goal.

8. A peace officer corps should be developed based on the principles of volunteers, professionalism, and ethics. The jurisdiction of the peace officers is the tribal territory and their members. The sole purpose being to protect tribal property, tribal members, and social harmony.

9. BANA works for the abolition of all laws criminalizing consensual adult behaviors including drug laws, gun laws, sex laws, etc. BANA advocates that the victims of crime should be compensated by the offenders.

10. BANA calls for the establishment of a neighborhood-by-neigborhood, city-by-city, county-by-county volunteer defense force for tribal and national defense. This force may be either entirely private or under the supervision of local political institutions.

11. BANA supports the establishment of local based common law courts supervised by juries and with judges elected by the people and confirmed by a tribal council not connected to the state.

12. We do not accept the immigration policy of the United States as suitable for the Bay Area or recognize the validity of the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services for bestowing legitimate resident status in the Bay Area.

13. We do not endorse or condemn the private activities of consenting adults that do not interfere with public life and do not accept the California Department of Education curriculum of alternative family structures as suitable instruction for children.

14. We respect and honor the family as the smallest unit of political importance besides the individual. We also contend that adult individuals, being that it is kept private within their own household, will be allowed to practice any form of lifestyle they choose that does not interfere with public processes and ethical standards of their Tribe.

15. BANA works for the development of media outlets that provide alternatives to the state-corporate dominated media including shortwave radio, internet news services, public access television, independent publishing houses, newsletters, speakers’ bureaus and any other opportunities that may arise.

16. BANA seeks to reduce the price of housing for permanent residents of the Bay Area and promote affordable options for families.

17. BANA encourages the development of low cost housing collectives, neighborhood watch associations, volunteer firefighters, and Civilian Emergency Response Teams for responding to emergency’s.

18. BANA supports a program of non violence, civil disobedience, culture jamming, and will utilize a militant aesthetic if appropriate.

19. We feel it is vital to represent the interests of groups ignored or maligned by the mainstream media and academia.

20. We feel that the responsible and correct priority of society is to focus greater care towards grooming the next generation that includes active participation in community service groups and access to media.

21. We feel that society is enriched with a greater devotion to religious life and seek to increase participation in the various faiths that reside in the Bay Area.

22. We believe that the regulation of trade, public order, and international relations should not be conducted by officials not elected outside of the Bay Area.

23. We recognize that freedom transcends the Constitution and in all cases we support the right to free speech, freedom of association, the right to bear arms, and the principle of self defense.

24. To pursue this program the BANA collective is to be organized with the goal of gradually establishing a provisional Bay Area Authority to act as the champion and defender of the people of the Bay Area and represent their interests.

25. BANA aims to organize with the purpose of carrying out a comprehensive program of political, economic, social, cultural struggle against the system and represent the people of the Bay Area for the establishment of a decentralized collection of independent regions, communties, free cities, sovereign townships and counties, and villages in the nine Bay Area counties working in concert and confederation to best provide for the needs of the people.