By Danny Panzella
Ironically named after the Patriot Act, PatriotAppTM has just been released for the Apple iPhone. According to the developers website, Citizens Concepts says their app will “deputize your iPhone or iPad.” They claim that the app “empowers citizens to assist government agencies in creating safer, cleaner, and more efficient communities via social networking and mobile technology.”
This app was founded on the belief that citizens can provide the most sophisticated and broad network of eyes and ears necessary to prevent terrorism, crime, environmental negligence, or other malicious behavior, but what it really does is turn average citizens into a network of spies feeding information back to the federal government.
Last week the Department of homeland security put out a press release announcing their new ‘If you see something, say something’ campaign. As part of this campaign “1984” style telescreens in “big box” corporate chains like Wal-Mart will broadcast government propaganda messages while shoppers check out.
Partners in the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign include the Mall of America, the American Hotel & Lodging Association, Amtrak, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, sports and general aviation industries, and state and local fusion centers across the country.
The 4th amendment has in effect been suspended. Airline and train travelers are now guilty until proven innocent by either a digital strip search, or an invasive sexual assault now referred to as an “enhanced pat down.” VIPER teams (Visible Intermodal Prevention & Response) with naked body scanners and enhanced pat downs are screening passengers in Florida bus terminals and are coming soon to sports arenas as stated in the Homeland Security press release.
According to the Operation Defuse website a “fusion center” is a multi-jurisdictional law enforcement apparatus which seeks to merge the information gathering and intelligence sharing practices of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Basically it is an information hub where local, state and federal agencies share their databases and watch lists. The need for this information sharing was initially meant as a means of combating terrorism. Operation Defuse goes on to say that the fusion centers have drifted even further from their original purpose collecting and analyzing private non-criminal information such as shopping purchases, driving habits, parking tickets and even health records violating the 4th and 5th amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
The public is being turned into a nation of government tattle tale informants. Further eroding the Constitution and helping the Feds end run around the need for warrants for intelligence gathering. These “tips” can be used as reasonable suspicion or probable cause to open up investigations on citizens for any number of innocuous behaviors. PatriotApp even integrates with Facebook and Twitter. Social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter make private and personal information public domain. More than that they have accustomed the American psyche to believe that privacy is only for those who are hiding something.
As Janet Napolitano says, homeland security starts with “home town security” These type of “Orwellian” programs also foment fear and paranoia with in the community. When everyone is a potential terrorist threat trust breaks down, and therefore community support dissipates. In turn crime rises which leads to more police state measures to combat that rising crime. It is a vicious circle of self perpetuating collectivist control and before you know it you are living in a totalitarian state.
[...] NATA NY – The spy who texted me… big sis invades your iphone [...]