Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Mass Action against Genetically Modified Wheat

Take the Flour Back

May 27, 2012

European activists link up to draw the line against GM

The following statement has just been released from the crowd of around 400 people at Rothamsted Park this afternoon (27th May).

More than 400 growers, bakers and families from across England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Belgium marched against the return of open air GM field testing today. Take the Flour Back linked arms with their European counterparts, notably France’s Volunteer Reapersand walked calmly towards the site, before being stopped by police lines.

Kate Bell from Take the Flour Back stated that “In the past, kids, grannies, and everyone in between has decontaminated GM trial sites together. Here at the beginning of a new resistance to this obsolete technology, we see GM hidden behind a fortress. We wanted to do the responsible thing and remove the threat of GM contamination, sadly it wasn’t possible to do that effectively today. However, we stand arm in arm with farmers and growers from around the world, who are prepared to risk their freedom to stop the imposition of GM crops.”

People enjoyed a GM free picnic whilst listening to a range of speakers opposing the trial, including Graciela Romero, International Programmes Director of UK development charity War on Want. Lawrence Woodward, previously Director of Elm Farm Organic Research Centre, former head of standards at the Soil Association, and now involved in Citizens concerned about GM. Plus several British farmers including Peter Lundgren, a conventional wheat farmer from Lincolnshire.

Gathuru Mburu, co-ordinator of the African Biodiversity Network, spoke on the global fight for control of our food supply.

Mburu explained that:

“Experimenting with staple crops is a serious threat to food security. Our resilience comes from diversity, not the monocultures of GM. Beneath the rhetoric that GM is the key to feeding a hungry world, there is a very different story – a story of control and profit. The fact is that we need a diversity of genetic traits in food crops in order to survive worsening climates. Above all, people need to have control over their seeds”

This statement is released amongst growing calls for the scientists to demonstrate sensitivity to public concern by harvesting the crop before pollination, removing any risk of contamination with non-GM plants.

Listen to our debate with Rothamsted on BBC Radio 5 Live (starts 27 minutes in).

Did you watch the debate on Newsnight? Join in online on twitter using the #newsnight hashtag.

If you are coming to Take the flour back, please read a list of things to bring, important information on nearby non-GM research trials at Rothamsted, and the legal briefing. Transport is being organised from various parts of the country.

Statements of support:
Statement from African Biodiversity Network and Gaia Foundation
Statement from Bees Action Network
Statement from Joanna Blythman
Statement from Community Food Growers’ Network
Statement from Faucheurs Volontaires
Statement from Friends of the Bees
Statement from GMO-free Poland, the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, EKOLAND, and other anti-GMO campaigners in Poland
Statement from Richard Higgins
Statement from Karnataka Farmers’ Association (KRRS)
Statement from Movement for National Land and Agrarian Reform (MONLAR), Sri Lanka
Statement from Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya
Statement from Rising Tide

The position of other campaigns on this issue:
Statement from Real Bread Campaign
Stop the open-air release of GM Wheat that contains genes ‘most similar to that of a cow’

Rothamsted have planted a new GM wheat trial designed to repel aphids. It contains genes for antibiotic-resistance and an artificial gene ‘most similar to a cow’.

Wheat is wind-pollinated. In Canada similar experiments have leaked into the food-chain costing farmers millions in lost exports. There is no market for GM wheat anywhere in the world.

This experiment is tax-payer funded, but Rothamsted hope to sell any patent it generates to an agro-chemical company. La Via Campesina, the world’s largest organisation of peasant farmers, believe GM is increasing world hunger. They have called for support resisting GM crops, and the control over agriculture that biotech gives to corporations.

‘Take the Flour Back’ will be a nice day out in the country, with picnics, music from Seize the Day and a decontamination. It’s for anyone who feels able to publically help remove this threat and those who want to show their support for them.

Meet Rothamsted Park, Harpenden, Herts (30 mins from London by train) 12 noon on 27th May. At 1.30pm we’ll take a 20 minute stroll on public footpaths to the trial site.

Take the Flour Back is a grassroots network of individuals. It has no membership and no mandated representatives, but if you are press seeking a comment we will happily put in you touch with someone who will be attending.


  1. GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOT MANIA FOR THEFT BY VOTING WAS CONTRARY TO BILLY CARTER’S INSTINCTS : BILLY CARTER, UNSUNG AMERICAN, and no polished sycophant, not ignored during life, as brother of a president, was a self-made man. This gentle personality was no brush off, when meeting preselected political whores huffing it off at tax payer’s expense in D.C., nor a sucker to be glorified by many curious tourists. He was a man of men. He made it clear, in so many utterances, that he would rather sleep in his filling station than the White House! Yes, far ahead of his time, a bottle of beer was more precious than being forced into shaking hands with some low-life creep serving within the State Department, or meeting scoundrels strolling along Pennsylvania Ave. In essence, the vast majority of Americans could care less in staggering around the White House in viewing portraits of past presidents. Billy was compelled to question political whores, of whom actually made it to the the top during the yesteryears. We can begin with Woodrow Wilson, a troubled man that sent our flowering young men over seas to be slaughtered, in the attempt to sell out our nation to the European League of Nations. Failing, brought him a miserable death. And there was the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, a traitor, in allying with Communist red Russia in 1933. His follow up was the late Harry Solomon Truman, who tried to conceal his ancestral background with an S for a middle name. The old saying, ” What’s in a name.?” Ask Harry. Harry worked well with his buddies, red Russian agents, in laying the ground work for a then future United Nation’s Organization, of which basically is a front for an approaching global socialism. And this goes on for ever, when a political hack is wheeled into office .Now getting back to Billy Carter. He knew as to what specific nation in the near east that was up to its neck in fighting off international banksters. No matter who makes it to the White House, and even before the present, all are merely tools of universal gangsters, using the global empire as a front for an ancient religious order, that needles its octopus like methods to gain control of any and all lulled into its net. A man like Billy Carter would never betray his manhood, by grasping hold of one octopus tentacle that reached from afar, right into the center fold of Washington’s political whoredom. Incidentally, it was rumored that Billy was hauled via a military aircraft to a clinic for a rest, being forced against his will, to be socially indoctrinated, politically. Nevertheless, Billy was faced with a hive of his brother’s insiders. Many Americans believe that Billy had received a chemically devised lobotomy from the identical better part of professional of hoodlums that originally drove him to the bottle. Mr. Billy Carter should have been Secretary of State; for this gentleman could have met more alcoholics, passive-pseudo intellectual bandits and fraudulent personalities. Billy would never have pro-scripted any [deadbeat] or absent-minded fool, as an ambassador at large, in lugging a briefcase filled with torts. True indeed, most alcoholics within the State Department would marry the Devil for a shot at visiting some of Europe’s red-light districts. America says heil to the late Billy Carter, as a man of his word.

  2. Thomas Paine in his [ Common Sense ] warned how the prophet Samuel exposed the King Saul as a demon put on the throne by lots, in giving the heathens a chance to rule by mobocracy, indulgent heathens to live a scatter-brained life. America has fallen in line with Oriental fundamentalism's intellectual regressive nature, to stamp out Western Christian civilization. This is being accomplished by a fraudulent religious empire being tied in with the Federal Reserve through monetary freebies, in avoiding taxes. In essence, our Republic fits the ideal economic existence under ancient Saul to furnish his rule through embellishing the herds under his oppression with expanding feeding troughs. This is how America has fallen into the same trap by choosing a two-party gang of intellectual rustlers, in leveling America into a Third Wold banana republic

    We should not hate political whores.
    We should not hate pseudo liberals.
    We should not hate parasites.
    we should not hate the haters.
    We should hate our selves.
    We should not hate slum masters.
    We should not hate loan sharks.
    We should hate illicit investors.
    We should not hate used-car dealers.
    We should not hate dog catchers.
    We should not hate gutter snipers.
    We should not hate bill collectors.
    We should hate the master-criminal industry controlling America.
    We should not hate ghetto masters.
    We should hate or marxists press network.
    We should not FEMA and SWAT as professional criminals.
    We should not hate perverts controlling education.
    We should not hate unscrupulous corrupt judges.
    We should not hate commies in national affairs.
    We should not hate for God making the rainbow coalition.
    We should not hate spies in the State Department.
    We should not hate the Edomite control of free speech.
    We should not hate Marx for formulating communism.
    We should not hate the fools in Congress.
    We should not hate the wrecking of America by Bolshevism.
    We should not hate the growing wealth of religions.



    It is impossible to know anything about one's conscious understanding and reactions unless the following questioned is posed, ( Do you know who you are ). Here lies the issue in trying to asses an opponents view. Out side of this I gather that you are a decent person searching for truth. Most people spend their whole life times without ever learning who they were during an earthly struggle. KINDLY-DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE?

    Incidentally, in the abstract no reasonable explanation can be discovered regarding true rule by the few. From pharaoh of Egypt unto the many Kings over Canaan and to all presidents of our United States absolutely reverses Adams passing to all mankind free speech. We have thought control in America; and even in the beginning of Genesis, ( Bible ), we find no government! Something to think about. Christ recognized no formal government. Like i said, no governments-organized brutality!

    No one knows just what goes into one’s unknown consciousness. Personality disorders are perpetually shoved back into the subconscious through repressions. Anyone who goes on a shooting rage are definitely running from a twisted personality, in attempting to elude guilt by association, with their own pathological struggle to shadow surroundings that are pre-calculated,

    that had developed through earlier childhood. Hatred is the most damaging psychosis. WE witness numbers of people swarming into theaters as a loyalty to Bat Man. Here we witness an individual feels distanced from his wish-to-peers. This man’s hatred for love ( attention ), fell into Dr. Sigmund Freud’s: Personality Suppression Complex Syndrome. The struggle against deep inhibited suppression and depression, over rid the ID and the alter Ego settled for a pathologically loner, intellectual drifter, to explode with Freud’s : Personality Suppression gravitational Syndrome. In essence, an unrecognized wish was fore filled.


    Yes, indeed, our United States confederated states have been completely inundated with world-wide trained professional revolutionists, that absolutely are filled with self-hatred towards Western civilization. Karl Marx coined the phrase ( man is man ). One of Marx’s fellow travelers, the late David Ricardo, fabulous mouth piece of London’s intellectual rabble-rousers, collided with Marx’s view that proletarians of the world to unite, and they had nothing to loose but their chains, to loose. Ricardo was given the originator of the so called ( iron law of wages). Here we have two characters on the ideal anti-social third rail of colliding intelligentsia butting heads, in controlling any and all decent laboring people within the occidental empire. Mud people have no alligence with our contemporary mankind. Yet they come out of every sewer line that trails back into recorded history of progressive civilizations. Parasitic by nature, our Republic must eliminate this explosive nest of vicious and vile reptilian instincts from our shores; and let Karl Marx and David Ricardo remain as perfect examples of bankrupt personalities, that have influenced the mob-controlled political failures of which holds America in complete derision. The late President Ronald Reagan thought so much of Karl Marx’s and David Ricardo’s social engineering that he personally brought one of Ricardo’s relatives into the federal labor department. Reagan was a liberal’s’ liberal. And this mud people scheme moves along in shaking down our Republic..”

    Re-blogged from source.
    Imagine while Reagon was having his WAR on Drugs his Vice president was running Cocaine to pay for his CIA Killing sprees in south America and you think the hypocracy ends there how would you feel if I told you Her majesty the Queen of England with all her qualities of High society brings also the Title of Queen of the CIA Drug Cartel by way of her little nephew George hw Bush whom assassinated Kennedy and forever changed the Country of positive go force and concour worlds in space and innovation from that to little Georgy’s world of be very afraid very afraid the man in the cave is going to get you. Well, yes! but not a man and not a cave but a crown and ponder this one WHY in the world would the Queen of England having everything to lose in reputation and certainly not needing the cash be pushing drugs in cities like Los Angeles .. Well? Why! I will tell you and let your investigation go from there. Not for control but Eugenics!! The drugs are all part of a plan to dumb down America and kill of Populations just like all the rest of the ways they serve to kill us off. Look up GMO.

    The greatest crime being committed against our Republican form of government is the massive cover up by combined religious fronts, in shielding an invisible network of professional renegades and hoodlums, genetically orientated anciently to a nation called Idumea. This is another name for these criminals, that have stole America through using tax supported industries , { bribed }, in brain-washing half-baked educators in fraudulent history.

    It is time for America to wake up. Crime, corruption, poverty, and disease is a schematic anti-social mechanism of Social Democracy. This anti-social ra#$%$et has leveled America with a global political philosophy harboring a self-destruct neurosis, of habitual hatred for the world's mankind. Behind many religious functionaries as pulpit-pounders, lurks the influence of the Edomites. Throw a chain around a fool's ne#$%$ in search of material gain and the devil can take a hind-seat. The Communist Third International of 1848 was of MUD PEOPLE.


    Take Parliament and US congress off dole. We may begin with demanding that tax payers should quit furnishing whiskey and women to any official using an office for personal gain.

    The late Churchill stayed on the bottle just as the late Roosevelt. Actually, Churchill hated anyone that stayed sober. Roosevelt hated anyone that had legs. During WWII Joseph

    Stalin stayed sober, for he well knew that alcoholics were mentally disturbed. Proof: look how the war was conducted by Russia having no ambition other than to survive the Wests'

    imperialistic move towards world domination, through fighting for Lord Balfours Declaration

    to seek a strip of land in the near east, in order to satisfy the late Theodore Herzl's dream

    in setting up a state in Palestine,


    Take Parliament and US congress off dole. We may begin with demanding that tax payers should quit furnishing whiskey and women to any official using an office for personal gain.

    The late Churchill stayed on the bottle just as the late Roosevelt. Actually, Churchill hated anyone that stayed sober. Roosevelt hated anyone that had legs. During WWII Joseph

    Stalin stayed sober, for he well knew that alcoholics were mentally disturbed. Proof: look how the war was conducted by Russia having no ambition other than to survive the Wests'

    imperialistic move towards world domination, through fighting for Lord Balfours Declaration

    to seek a strip of land in the near east, in order to satisfy the late Theodore Herzl's dream

    in setting up a state in Palestine,

    This is the time that will try man's souls. Liberty, justice, and the national cohesion of our great state is in danger of being over run with the globes so-called proletarians. The lower climbing middle-class is washed up. Our upper-class is on the run for fear that our nation is being destabilized through an invisible society of global inclinations through a spiritually- minded group of evil-minded devils, that hates Western civilization; and our nation is going through a mirror of multiple problems, returning to a home base of scoundrels holding power over the people, of whom have become nihilistic in being programed to fall into line of a democratic social machine prevailing over all citizens high and low, that has lost all direction in loosing the police state grip, of which has throttled liberty and justice that no longer has a place in society, in order to retaliate against regementated globally trained professional revolutionaries under marxist economics and Ferdinand Lassale's intellectual ball-park communism. Thomas Paine warned of this in his CRISIS papers. Our state has withered away just as Marx proclaimed. Our State is full of Red cells in all national offices of any influence. A may be a little too late to rebel. God help America if we throw up our hands in the face of an ever expanding political system constructed upon open tyranny.

    It must be terrible to be hated by parents since childhood, Self-hatred as a grown up is a mental disorder based upon ( The personality suppression complex syndrome. Dr Sigmund Freud noted that
    specific mud people , ( dirt bags ) mattoids, were socially sick for lack of love at home. Going through life t o be hated by everyone coming near such characters, as you, denotes that extreme eroticism brings on
    an anti social extremity in harboring an Oedipus complex. Self-gratification through harboring regressive impulsiveness mutates thoughts that are socially accepted. Many souls have wound up in metal institutions through self-debasement. It would be well if you dropped this habit. maybe it would help if you were to dig up some old stump and made it a headstone to your past experience in life where self-abasement had taken place. Try planting a limb from a rubber tree. There is nothing like remembering long gone days..


    This new generation has purposely reared a one massive race of cowards. We have no heroes for our youth to look up to. All the past presidents since Woodrow Wilson to the obvious have merely been tools of a national government amongst misled citizens that are invariability internationally minded. Our republic has more of a spiritual war rather harboring one major class of aristocrats being used as machine as a front for the followers iniquity. In the ultimate, our many nations created as one whole has been destroyed from within. Once again we must congeal the various nations on this continent ( America ) ready to combine as human machine in opposing the enemy within. Only with grace of God will we get through this. Now is the time for all good men to unite as one single human arrow to drive into the heart of devils that make use of national government, as a tool, snake, coiled ready strike down Satan's angels that has coiled its fangs into every national political gangster, of which steals the honest labor of classes of all citizens, of whom ignorantly follow in the steps of ancient Astarte and Moloch. Naturally, the national news media as an agent of foreign absentee illicit investors and land lords should be rounded up and tried on the grounds of high treason.

    Absolutely, we have a governmental machine known as a confederacy. Thomas Paine warned of this ( Federal ) concoction against a new nation when noting that Article 6, section 6, on treaties, was shoved into the Constitution. On this remarkable observation Paine noticed how international finance working through the Bank of England struck the first so-called blow from the Rothschild wealth housed in
    France needling its monetary influence through civilized nations. Behind the political veil the global banksters rule America. No doubt it, America has the best twin-sided political force in ruler ship that money can buy.

    Numbering years past, a congress on national television screamed: "We have a specific nation on the run (guess ), let's keep him on the
    run." Recently an individual via television hawked; "We must take our country back. The congress man did not say who controlled our republic. Here is a case of thought control. It is amazing as to how an imbedded alien enemy practicing a religion as a shield can actually fool the naturally ignorant, the educated ignorant and the super ignorant being so intellectually corrupt in national governmental affairs so blinded by truth. No not blinded and bought off.

    Yes, indeed, as already mentioned American youth have no idols to look up to, and all of this really reached a level when the pro-Commie Harry Truman allied with Joseph Stalin being tied to universal finance. Backing these two stooges gave Eisenhower the authority to turn over prisoners ( 50,000) from German war camps in Siberian Slave camps murder on the other. to be worked to death or to be shot back of the head No one has ever heard from these beings. Only Satan and his gang have blood on their hands. And of course, Ike had a girl friend ( British agent ) to keep him warm at night. Blood on one hand, murder on the other. This scheme was known as Operation Keel haul. Since Patton and Mac Arthur was murdered young people have no military idols. Be not deceived readers, FEMA and SWAT squads are under the under guardian ship of the Communist International, The United Nations Organization. America is the arms of universal Bolshevism. When our Creator brought on the great deluge He did not let mercy rob justice. The gang of political robbers, thieves, dead beats, whore mongerers etc;, are allied with alien powers of whom will have no mercy, for they are trained to bring down America for they serve no justice at all for our republic! These thoughts are incredible, but true!

  13. 3 DOWN

    correction! MacArthur not murdered

    from German war camps in Siberian Slave camps murder on the other. to be worked to death or to be shot back of the head No one has ever heard from these beings. Only Satan and his gang have blood on their hands. And of course, Ike had a girl friend ( British agent ) to keep him warm at night. Blood on one hand, murder on the other. This scheme was known as Operation Keel haul. Since Patton and Mac Arthur was murdered young people have no military idols. Be not deceived readers, FEMA and SWAT squads are under the under guardian ship of the Communist International, The United Nations Organization. America is the arms of universal Bolshevism. When our Creator brought on the great deluge He did not let mercy rob justice. The gang of political robbers, thieves, dead beats, whore mongerers etc;, are allied with alien powers of whom will have no mercy, for they are trained to bring down America for they serve no justice at all for our republic! These thoughts are incredible, but true!

    It is impossible to know anything about one’s conscious understanding and reactions unless the following question is posed, Do you know who you are? Here lies the issue in trying to govern one's self, much less accepting an opponents view. Democrat. Be side this inquiry is less. Republican. Both double-jointed Homo Sapiens gather the self-sane presumption, two opposites, use Gerrymander in attempting to force govern select fools; that all-in-all, through deception, presume to be decent in the serving the total idea of national government. CONFEDERATED RASCALS!

    Many people, humanoids or politicians, spend their whole feather-bedding careers with out actually understanding the psychosis of a non-governing perception that turns them on. This aristocratic class gets lost through an official one-ring carpet bagging royal circus, as robots of leisure at tax payer's expense; life moves on in bowing down to a supposed government that has never existed. BUDGET. This monetary rule is actually the governing unit over mankind since the beginning of civilizations-- learning the method to be ruled, or to be ruled over, by their tribal nations, and chattel slavery's existence and struggle through ions of time were during an an ancient struggle. KINDLY-DO THESE CREATURES KNOW NOW, AS WHO OR WHAT THEY MISTAKENLY HOLD IN ESTEEM SINCE ADAM DUG AN ENCLAVE FROM THE NEAREST HILL SIDE?

    Incidentally, in the abstract no reasonable explanation can be discovered regarding true rule by the few when robbery by one class takes the liberty to cove their tracks. Now this system is democrat/republican fronting for the budget rule. From Pharaoh of Egypt unto the many judges and kings over ancient Canaan and from thence to all Presidents of our United States absolutely reverses Adam's passing to all mankind free speech. We have thought control in America; and even in the beginning of Genesis, ( Bible ), we find no evidence of a sustained government-something to think about. Christ recognized no formal government. Like said, no governments--organized brutality! All mischief and plunder under political prostitution!

    As times goes by .These devils wail and moan that in fear of judgement, of the day they were cloned, in the land of Nod, no soul, no spirit. As of now, there will be no earthly return, for their unholy work to be revealed. More than likely, much longer before the expansive eschalogical, appearance takes place. false man made teachings will come to the truth voluntarily. The world is under the influence of an invisible society, that is supportive of global Pan Theosophy, Pan finance, Pan Russia and Pan oriental-ism. America is headed in this direction. Since the national publishing industry is a tool, and a product, on the threshing floor of universal socialism, it would be wise to ignore off-color yakadeyakyak


    TOMORROW IS YET TO COME As times goes by .These devils wail and moan that in fear of judgement, of the day they were cloned, in the land of Nod, no soul, no spirit. As of now, there will be no earthly return, for their unholy work to be revealed. More than likely, much longer before the expansive eschalogical, appearance takes place. false man made teachings will come to the truth voluntarily. The world is under the influence of an invisible society, that is supportive of global Pan Theosophy, Pan finance, Pan Russia and Pan oriental-ism. America is headed in this direction. Since the national publishing industry is a tool, and a product, on the threshing floor of universal socialism, it would be wise to ignore off-color yakadeyakyak.


  17. population dumbed down

    This new generation has purposely reared a one massive race of cowards. We have no heroes for our youth to look up to. All the past presidents since Woodrow Wilson to the obvious have merely been tools of a national government amongst misled citizens that are invariability internationally minded. Our republic has more of a spiritual war rather harboring one major class of aristocrats being used as machine as a front for the followers iniquity. In the ultimate, our many nations created as one whole has been destroyed from within. Once again we must congeal the various nations on this continent ( America ) ready to combine as human machine in opposing the enemy within. Only with grace of God will we get through this. Now is the time for all good men to unite as one single human arrow to drive into the heart of devils that make use of national government, as a tool, snake, coiled ready strike down Satan's angels that has coiled its fangs into every national political gangster, of which steals the honest labor of classes of all citizens, of whom ignorantly follow in the steps of ancient Astarte and Moloch. Naturally, the national news media as an agent of foreign absentee illicit investors and land lords should be rounded up and tried on the grounds of high treason.

    Absolutely, we have a governmental machine known as a confederacy. Thomas Paine warned of this ( Federal ) concoction against a new nation when noting that Article 6, section 6, on treaties, was shoved into the Constitution. On this remarkable observation Paine noticed how international finance working through the Bank of England struck the first so-called blow from the Rothschild wealth housed in
    France needling its monetary influence through civilized nations. Behind the political veil the global banksters rule America. No doubt it, America has the best twin-sided political force in ruler ship that money can buy.

    Numbering years past, a congress on national television screamed: "We have a specific nation on the run (guess ), let's keep him on the
    run." Recently an individual via television hawked; "We must take our country back. The congress man did not say who controlled our republic. Here is a case of thought control. It is amazing as to how an imbedded alien enemy practicing a religion as a shield can actually fool the naturally ignorant, the educated ignorant and the super ignorant being so intellectually corrupt in national governmental affairs so blinded by truth. No not blinded and bought off.

    Yes, indeed, as already mentioned American youth have no idols to look up to, and all of this really reached a level when the pro-Commie Harry Truman allied with Joseph Stalin being tied to universal finance. Backing these two stooges gave Eisenhower the authority to turn over prisoners ( 50,000) from German war camps in Siberian Slave camps murder on the other. to be worked to death or to be shot back of the head No one has ever heard from these beings. Only Satan and his gang have blood on their hands. And of course, Ike had a girl friend ( British agent ) to keep him warm at night. Blood on one hand, murder on the other. This scheme was known as Operation Keel haul. Since Patton and Mac Arthur was murdered young people have no military idols. Be not deceived readers, FEMA and SWAT squads are under the under guardian ship of the Communist International, The United Nations Organization. America is the arms of universal Bolshevism. When our Creator brought on the great deluge He did not let mercy rob justice. The gang of political robbers, thieves, dead beats, whore mongerers etc;, are allied with alien powers of whom will have no mercy, for they are trained to bring down America for they serve no justice at all for our republic! These thoughts are incredible, but true!


    INCOMPREHENSIBLE It is, impossible to know anything about one’s conscious understanding and reactions unless the following question is posed, Do you know who you are? Here lies the issue in trying to govern one’s self, much less accepting an opponents view. Democrat. Be side this inquiry is the Republican. Both double-jointed Homo Sapiens gather the self-sane presumption, two opposites, use Gerrymander in attempting to force governed selected fools; that all-in-all, through deception, presume to be decent in the serving the total idea of national government. CONFEDERATED RASCALS! Many people, humanoids or politicians, spend their whole feather-bedding careers with out actually understanding the psychosis of a non-governing perception that turns them on. This aristocratic class gets lost through an official one-ring carpet- bagging royal circus, as robots of leisure, at tax payer’s expense; life moves on in bowing down to a supposed government that has never existed. BUDGET. This monetary rule is actually the governing unit over mankind since the beginning of civilizations– learning the method to be ruled, or to be ruled over, by their tribal nations, and chattel slavery’s existence, and struggle through ions of time, were during an an ancient struggle. KINDLY-DO THESE CREATURES KNOW NOW, AS WHO OR WHAT THEY MISTAKENLY HOLD IN ESTEEM SINCE ADAM DUG AN ENCLAVE FROM THE NEAREST HILL SIDE? Incidentally, in the abstract no reasonable explanation can be discovered regarding true rule by the few, when robbery by one class takes the liberty to cover their tracks. Now this system is Democrat/Republican fronting for the budget rule. From Pharaoh of Egypt unto the many judges and kings over ancient Canaan, and from thence to all Presidents of our United States, absolutely reverses Adam’s passing to all mankind free speech. We have thought control in America; and even in the beginning of Genesis, ( Bible ), we find no evidence of a sustained government-something to think about. Christ recognized no formal government. Like said- no governments–organized brutality! All mischief and plunder under political prostitution's seasoned office-spongers and insignificant sycophants.

  19. Friend,
    This is a spiritual war between ancient Esau the ( Red ), and his twin brother Jacob. God named Jacob ( Israel ). This spiritual struggle was revealed in the Garden of Eden. The serpent, Lucifer, in agreement with Eve, that this earthly struggle would be between his, (satins’ ) seed line and Eve’s. Please notice that conversation via Adam and the serpent was not recorded!
    Up until the present all sworn in presidents were compelled to lay their left hand upon the Old Testament, while holding their right hand into the air, while taking an oath. This actually gives a very subtle warning that Christ is left out. To day since the enemy has full control it is not necessary to mention any specific religion, since the ancient gods Moloch and Baal rule our national government.
    America has become a melting pot for pseudo religious movements, of Oriental fundamentalism’s in an attempt to destroy whats left of christian Western civilization. Our Republic is now in the hands and influence of Idumea. This nation is of the roots of ancient Esau, the Red, Red Russia, –Bolshevism, is locked with horns between Obama and Premier Putin. Putin is attempting to stay away from pseudo democracy, as being spread world-wide by the loans to Third- World nations through the International Monetary Fund. This machine is a tool of the United Nations Organization.
    So we learn that we are in a spiritual war, not materialist conception. War and political whoredom are methods to carry on ancient Esau’s determination to make war upon any nation or religious promulgation, that brings to light God’s worst enemy. God says: I loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau! In the last days God implies that this gang of satanic misgivings with be burned as a stubble!
    God says that his seed line is of Shem, oldest son of Noah–He, God, knows His children, and no one cannot pluck them from his hands. The United Nations Organizations is an opponent of God. All is huff and bluff, when mud people, globalized financial gangsters, in the spirit of looting the world’s helpless populations, seek revelation from the depths of hell in order to grind down God’s people in carrying on a spirit of hatred, for taking a stand in order to drag the globe’s inarticulate herds down a global road of darkness, right into the arms of international socialism!


    Political socialism is getting out of hand nation wide. Most of these party tools ( officials ), and deadbeats, should find a decent line of employment. It seems as though the first and last resort for these hyenas as run a bouts is to hunt for some well cushioned lounge, when hustling for an ambassador’s valise for a trip to Europe, where plenty of women and whiskey is the fore most duty of any parasite.

    Sad, but true, politicians generally has the cart pulling the horse. It is time for these public servants to take the bull by the tail and to look the situation square into the face.

    Naturally, the mass psychology of dealing with a nation’s willfully is to view the reverse of a political coin.

    No doubt it, there is a vast and somewhat shady scheme in neutralizing public opinion.

    Certainly this is something to think about. less secure in the national news industry are genuine journalists, of whom are muted-thought controlled! Maximizing along with bribed members on the Supreme Court, and congressional corruption, actually high lights the frustration of our nation, to fall into line with office holders with little ambition, with the loss of individual intuition and class responsibility.

    For sure, both houses of Congress are in league with SATAN and his gang in out lying right lying in cahoots with the State Department.

    Astounding, anti-social revolutionary Third-Party resolvent is to be raise as a banner that citizens are tired of being betrayed politically, socially, and as common peons being rustled through illegal juries and judges that have conformed the State into the trap of economic internationalism.

    Astounding it is to unravel just how American has been trapped into a living society based mass nihilism. This is because most office holders are ambitious and would actually marry the Devil, in order to get their hands into the U.S. treasury, to live off the tax paying extortion from the productive backs of American citizens.


    We survive in retooled school bus. I have eight children under
    the age of 14. My wife is an ex-pole dancer. She ran off with a fireman.
    I am on medicaid for being too nervous to work. Medicaid keeps my
    family together. Dumpster diving at WalMarts helps out with needed
    items. My favorite pastime is fishing and drinking. We truly support our
    boys overseas, for we love America. Incidentally, my wife was expecting
    triplets when she left me with a broken heart. I am a certified
    democrat. I opposed political oppression and wound up voting for the
    late LBJ, my alter ego. After stacking ballot boxes for Johnson, in
    taking names from tomb stones, it seemed more logical to get in on the
    going gravy train while it lasts. To march for bread is much better than
    slinging hamburgers at some McDonald’s hangout. God bless America!


    Eustace Mullins suffered so much upon the face of this earth. He now dwells in the presence of Heavenly angels. The glory of God is intelligence. Intelligence fills the immensity of space. Mullins gave so much to his fellow mankind. This breaks my heart to even think of his passing. This kind man conversed with angels, while on this earth. He was sent here on this earth to work in be half of God’s children, of whom had no way of fighting back, in warning of devils; and who were too poor and down-trodden to struggle against the evils, of which during Mullen’s life time, as of now, were modern day descendents, contemporaries, whose ancestry nailed Christ to a tree! This master all ways laid his ax to the very roots of all pseudo stultification of intellectual fraud, via getting to the Lord root of a matter. Mullins was an incomparable giant in his field. God will bless!



    Mankind in general aren't fully aware as to the invisible influences that drive individuals into the unknown world of psycho dynamics. Every humanoid, liberalized through fear, snap up one of two political parties-pseudo democratic/republican, latching on to the so called herd instinct. Both of these parties are one great mob being divided into one politicized feeding trough. In the days of MASTER MAHON, devils in the flesh ruled through fear, in that man mentioned his existence.

    Thousands of years later on the continent of South America, MAHON took up residence amongst all known tribes of natives then living out their lives. This evil gang of unknown murderers then openly murdered and plundered in the name, GADIANITES.

    Today in America this same element have taken a turn in working on their political or social adversaries of whom try to expose such devils in the flesh through a hellish system addressed as GLANDULAR murder! Search through all resources on mental disturbances. Dr. Freud mentions this scheme of murder one time. He dose not elaborate any further.

    Yes, ancient days prior to the earliest attempt to record history MASTER MAHON has influence through hundreds of organizations, public and private in guiding selective beings of the national intelligentsia into a vast sewer of brain-washing that is pulling our Republic right back into Oriental fundamentalism's spiritual functionaries of which lead back to MASTER MAHON, that had brought on the Great Deluge of which took the good, the bad, and the ugly to a watery grave. America must wake up. this republic's days are numbered!


    The future plans for our Republic has been well lain. Eventually, we will have three distinct levels of national society. The unknown ruling element will remain intact. Too, the unshakable middle class will stay afloat. As to the thinning, the slow climbers into the middle class will be completely eliminated. This will leave a national mob under the nation wide police state, as it expands today. All state and federal employees will receive the highest pay, in order to control them. Our Republic will be reconstructed, as to the have and those who have nothing but soup lines. Artificial inflation plus the professions striving from Medicare recipients will dwindle, while the undesirables are slowly fed poisoned food and the lack of medical care. A standing military will be well fed and clothed. This new dictator ship will be absolutely merciless. And the circus will proceed on its well planned events in crucifying any press club that fails to buckle down under physical and mental slavery. And the circus will proceed on its well planned events in crucifying any press club that fails to buckle down under physical and mental slavery!

    Moscow! Eve Guevara-Sa­nsom wrote > For me the biggest stereotypi­ng coup on Russian 'image' was achieved on RASPUTIN - his name was used to evoke contempt and laughter throughout the World as 'Mad Monk' - in reality he was far from that; so that is tragic on my terms I am part Russian and what spurred me forward in my own life - growing up in a very dubious 'Great' Britain - was the deeply held belief that in Russian Stock we find the greatest insight-lo­gic and creativity­. I knew that from my Grand Mother and all that she stood for as a Great Woman - as a Character - who knew her own Mind. She, like all Great Men - was her own Woman. It is, therefore, sickening to see the Mail-Order Bride clones and blustering­-Bori s-bac­k-slapping Yeltsin clones gaining so much ground in media/humo­ur portayals of 'what a Russian is' .... we must challenge that at every twist and turn of attempts to undermine a National Identity by psychologi­cal humiliatio­n. End.
    Hog.. " Long Live Rasputin ! As a book collector for years, Rasputin was discovered­. The more was read of this individual was his particular genius so recognized­. From searching from every source of work, this man gradually became one my alter ego. He understood political whoredom so well that top Russian traitors were kept in line. Gradually, this individual stood out as one of the world's greatest individual­s ".

    Yes ! an absolute gathering storm is well escalating above the atmosphere over our Republic. This political upheaval, like a volcanic explosion, is well into a disposition of progressive ignominy. This is not a more-or-less presumption that several states' ( citizens ), are nurturing the idea to actually secede from the Union.

    Thundering across plains, mountains, and valleys the thoughts of man looses his way in order to triumph over a Republic,- not mother nature, but imbalanced reasoning. This is an act of self-delusion; for truncating from a higher state of existence back into social intemperance an aggression against organized civilization.

    In consideration, secession of state from ( federalism ) massive anxiety becomes an actual congealing point, thus individual self-contemp become part and party group compliance. This un-matched boiling increment. More than likely, we have here mobs, or individal repressions, of earlier political oppressions. thus umatched collectvised guilt becomes a massive neurosis--victims of ( The personality Suppression Complex Syndrome).

    Willingly, this new movement, collective gerrymandering, is an act of indifference to the welfare of our national state, " government. " However, any massive resistance to a well organized system of humanity is maddening. From Machiavelli to Shakespeare, from politics to love, man makes his own bed.

    At this point to consider a revolt or secession of state is crossing the boundary of a Republican induced Democracy. The final step will fall square into the universal lap of incipient socialism and its brides maid, Communism as labor control and Socialism as thought control. Red cells across America spiel out that the dead should not regulate the living, ( Constitution ), thus these vipers despises our Republic. More than likely, these mud-slingers are gleefully heading the secessionist movement. Such varmints actually believe that a flea crawling, ( them ), up an element's leg with political-rape on its mind can possibly overthrow our form of national government. Ony time will tell !

    Methinks that the mastermind behind Patton's assassination was the work of Eisenhower, not Truman. There was no love lost between Patton and MacArthhur, Of course, Truman didn't rate MacArthur too highly, either.
    Truman had asked Eisenhower to run for president as a Democrat. Eisenhower then ran as a Republican. Truman felt betrayed. Their animosity boiled over at Eisenhower's Presidential inauguration, when Eisenhower refused to get out of the car to meet Truman, and Truman refused to come out and meet Eisenhower.
    Eisenhower knew that Patton knew too much about his continual pandering to the British. Patton's hands were repeatedly tied by Supreme Command while Montgomery received support at the 7th Army's and 3rd Armiy's expense.
    Patton also knew that the war could have been brought to an earlier conclusion, had it not been for Ike's pandering caused by his political ambitions. Of course, Patton readily recognized that the conclusion of WWll was simply setting the stage for our conflicts with the Russians.
    Eisenhower needed Patton taken out.

    Let's get it straight: five of my family served in the Korean ( police action ), as Truman called it. How do we now declare, that this activity was a war, When one goes out to a cemetery and watches a lady falling over a vault, after screaming for the funeral director that she wanted to see her only son. He was killed the day before he was sent home ! Sorry bastards that pulled Truman's chain had this President to fire Patton and MacArthur. The descendants of the Truman gang still hold America under their wings. This pro-Red brigade could give a dam !

    The late President, Harry Truman, couldn’t shoot straight and the alley was wide open. He actually thought that there were only pin-heads on both isles of the house. Harry was completely stupefied and stumped, at becoming an unelected President. He was in ebb tide with no paddles. Out of no wheres, Harry ( the hop ) ,
    Hopkins, Roosevelt addressed his Boy as such, Harry lured Mr. Hop from retirement. Harry had been bowling with Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill through WW11. Harry was saved by divine grace for
    he knew nothing about foreign affairs and his State Department. Evidently, fate stepped in and allied two men as peas in a pot, in sending our Republic down the Red-Ridden path to universal socialism.
    Strange as it was, congress, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin through balls down individualized lanes, that never fitted into the one hundred eighty degree path in picking off opposite pin heads. But these three political bowlers knew when to throw curves. Definitely, a post mortum on Franklin Roosevelt was that he hated anyone with a pair of legs. His pal, Winston, hated anyone of whom didn’t stay drunk. Now Stalin was a fox and only boozed up when all three met at Yalta in 1945.
    Getting back to Truman we discover that Harry Hopkins played all three bowlers on his own lane that ran through his handlers, in making sure that eastern Europe with the aid of Truman would be handed over to Stalin’s gang of Red Russia. But Harry, ( Truman ), began to ally with unseen but invisible insiders, that pumped Harry with the idea that there should be a United Nation’s Orgnization. Harry dropped to his knees in prayer in 1945 and thanked God that he would push for this totally Red run machine, of which spitefully attempts to drag our Republic into a universal socialist ONE WORLD government’
    Yes, indeed, congress has lost all of its pins. The State Department its brains, and momentarily, we must give blessings to pro-Red Hopkins, liberal Roosevelt, and pro-commie Churchill, parliamentarian sycophant, for betraying Western civilization…
    Indeed, multiple political, social, racial and hardships are brought upon America, as an upshot , because of many in high seats of national government, as previously noted, was in the tangled politically devised bowling allies from Woodrow Wilson unto this present era. as men in power have politically sold their souls, being entangled with a strip of eastern world property since the day that Ambassador Balfour of London’s ruling hierarchy danced to the tune of the Bank of England and its subsidiaries did the Devil’s work in causing hate between several continents of this globe. God willing, this can be worked out !


    This new generation has purposely reared a one massive race of cowards. We have no heroes for our youth to look up to. All the past presidents since Woodrow Wilson to the obvious have merely been tools of a national government amongst misled citizens that are invariability internationally minded. Our republic has more of a spiritual war rather harboring one major class of aristocrats being used as machine as a front for the followers iniquity. In the ultimate, our many nations created as one whole has been destroyed from within. Once again we must congeal the various nations on this continent ( America ) ready to combine as human machine in opposing the enemy within. Only with grace of God will we get through this. Now is the time for all good men to unite as one single human arrow to drive into the heart of devils that make use of national government, as a tool, snake, coiled ready strike down Satan’s angels that has coiled its fangs into every national political gangster, of which steals the honest labor of classes of all citizens, of whom ignorantly follow in the steps of ancient Astarte and Moloch. Naturally, the national news media as an agent of foreign absentee illicit investors and land lords should be rounded up and tried on the grounds of high treason.

    Absolutely, we have a governmental machine known as a confederacy. Thomas Paine warned of this ( Federal ) concoction against a new nation when noting that Article 6, section 6, on treaties, was shoved into the Constitution. On this remarkable observation Paine noticed how international finance working through the Bank of England struck the first so-called blow from the Rothschild wealth housed in
    France needling its monetary influence through civilized nations. Behind the political veil the global banksters rule America. No doubt it, America has the best twin-sided political force in ruler ship that money can buy.

    Numbering years past, a congress on national television screamed: “We have a specific nation on the run (guess ), let’s keep him on the
    run.” Recently an individual via television hawked; “We must take our country back. The congress man did not say who controlled our republic. Here is a case of thought control. It is amazing as to how an imbedded alien enemy practicing a religion as a shield can actually fool the naturally ignorant, the educated ignorant and the super ignorant being so intellectually corrupt in national governmental affairs so blinded by truth. No not blinded and bought off.

    Yes, indeed, as already mentioned American youth have no idols to look up to, and all of this really reached a level when the pro-Commie Harry Truman allied with Joseph Stalin being tied to universal finance. Backing these two stooges gave Eisenhower the authority to turn over prisoners ( 50,000) from German war camps in Siberian Slave camps murder on the other. to be worked to death or to be shot back of the head No one has ever heard from these beings. Only Satan and his gang have blood on their hands. And of course, Ike had a girl friend ( British agent ) to keep him warm at night. Blood on one hand, murder on the other. This scheme was known as Operation Keel haul. Since Patton and Mac Arthur was murdered young people have no military idols. Be not deceived readers, FEMA and SWAT squads are under the under guardian ship of the Communist International, The United Nations Organization. America is the arms of universal Bolshevism. When our Creator brought on the great deluge He did not let mercy rob justice. The gang of political robbers, thieves, dead beats, whore mongerers etc;, are allied with alien powers of whom will have no mercy, for they are trained to bring down America for they serve no justice at all for our republic! These thoughts are incredible, but true


    The rear-seat invisable rule of the universal stock exchange social engineering financial rulership is at it again once shady deals of the past in dealing with Third-World communities slowy looses ties through the National Monetary Loan and its subsituary global inclnations, in attemting to regulate affairs of indigent nations and implanted dictatoships. This scheme has halted and will fail just as a lead-ballon will not fly.

    Most of all our State Deparment is nothing less than a burnt out pack of political rogues headed by a chief sycophant, who usually has no idea of foreign affairs. Since 1933 this operation has always been a hand-me-down path into political oblivion, just as it is this moment. Generally, any party hack would actually marry the Devil for an ambassador at large into france, in order to visit red-light districts and pick up antiques.

    Holy water is now spouted from this seat warming operation in dulling the minds of governmental affairs, in keeping cool as this country, ( America ), has gained a new quick track method pushing our nation towards a newer path to further the dream of internationalism.

    And how is this to be accomplished. psychological warfare created by selected members on the Council of Foreign Relations. Presidents hand-pick these individuals through their pass experiance within various political and private organizations, as tied in with the Federal Reserve and the treasury Dept. This same bureacracy of global-minded traitors seek orders through the President via the chief behind the scenes, as allied with the bank of England and the Bank of America

    It is well established that at least ten foreign nations, governments, are to be dumping the Rothschild banking system from their lands. We witness China, Russia, Egypt, Iran, Hungary etc. This white washing is put forth with the same collusion as in the past--delusional political drum-sticks, to dazzle the ignorant and the super ignorant that America will never scrap its nationalism. Well, the dye has been set, for this nation's days are numbered! God help this country.

    Yes evil does weedles it's way into minds and idle hands, BUT, a lot of what he says is accurate. I always look into allegations. Today I saw a post on AJ and questioned his intentions myself. I did some work on it and I still am. I question everything even those who are 'on our side' I am no pushover. I question my views EVERYDAY. Thing is I KNOW there is an agenda and there IS a worldwide conspiracy. No one could alter my mind now after several years of research. They would have to have a very good argument and debunk everything I know. It couldn't be done. As I was trained in engineering and was a police officer for 30 years, I know the physics of 911 and have the expertise of investigation. Many don't have those skills. I am at an advantage. There are still many out there who know far more than me. But I am always open to new theories because I only want the TRUTH. 


    I enjoy reading your comment. At least I've found someone that can carry a civil conversation without letting anger blurring issues being discussed.
    Definitely, Mr. Jones is no ignorant personality. I'm implying that there is another side of the picture in question--politics.

    Lets take a peek behind the scenes in questions of State survival. Consider the World Bank, Federal Reserve, Treasury Dept. International Monetary Fund, CIA, The CITY of Gold in London England, You might claim that it is a figment of ones imagination to even think that we have a combined global network of Jewish and Gentile rule through the art of gold manipulation.

    Mr.Jones' handlers carefully screens his personal observation on international and national politics. He never bothers to explain
    our present march into a well-planned global depression.

    Since mid 1550 we have have had five global ( world-wide ( depressions ). The sixth is next in line and nothing slow it down or side-track it. The agents of Satan work slow in years before bringing down God's people when they become too and high and mighty over worldly gain. The scriptures state: If one loves this world, then that one is no part of me.

    It took 450 years for Rome to fall. It was 1000 years later until another road was built. This was because the art of making cement was lost. It was in a foreign country that had practically every mineral that various countries needed to build empires but loe and behold there had been a problem with so-called countries ability to create any civilization. These people trampled over the West coast of this country in trampling over diamonds under foot in never picking up one to polish and to look at its inward Beauty. For thousands of years never setting sail over he ocean, driving a nail nor no literature but less than 200 years have taken over America. This no fault of their own. These people are being influenced by the global networks already mentioned.

    We have around 9 billion people on this planet. That gang that hates the progressive nation of SHEMITES, God's people, are making war on all nations in the Orient and Asiatic nations especially here in America. T this moment we are being poisoned by food, medicine, water, and food. A global depression will set an international avenue in liquidating un-needed souls from the face of this earth. WE HAVE SPIRITUAL WAR ON OUR HANDS!



    Hogorina: You say AJ deceives ignorant people. I do not see myself as ignorant having studied history and the agenda for years. I trained in engineering and metallurgy, I was a police officer for 30 years too. I would be interested to see if you highlight anything that I haven’t looked into yet. Many books by Gary Zukav, Eckhart Tolle, Zecharia Sitchen, Phil Marshall. Many books on science, physics and The Quantum field & Quantum mechanics. Plus many others. I also find You Tube is a good medium. I know those who use it as debunkerrs then criticise it as an easy way to get info, but they NEVER seem to read anyway, if you question them It is very clear. But I digress. I am certainly not ignorant and when I hear AJ make statements I tend to follow them up. 99% of the time it is absolutely true (as ever it can be confirmed). No one knows ANYTHING is true for certain, so you have to be very discerning and skeptical, which I am. 
    Bertharina Rina
    2:46 PM

    I enjoy reading your comment. At least I’ve found someone that can carry a civil conversation without letting anger blurring issues being discussed.
    Definitely, Mr. Jones is no ignorant personality. I’m implying that there is another side of the picture in question–politics.

    Lets take a peek behind the scenes in questions of State survival. Consider the World Bank, Federal Reserve, Treasury Dept. International Monetary Fund, CIA, The CITY of Gold in London England, You might claim that it is a figment of ones imagination to even think that we have a combined global network of Jewish and Gentile rule through the art of gold manipulation.

    Mr.Jones’ handlers carefully screens his personal observation on international and national politics. He never bothers to explain
    our present march into a well-planned global depression.

    Since mid 1550 we have have had five global ( world-wide ( depressions ). The sixth is next in line and nothing slow it down or side-track it. The agents of Satan work slow in years before bringing down God’s people when they become too and high and mighty over worldly gain. The scriptures state: If one loves this world, then that one is no part of me.

    It took 450 years for Rome to fall. It was 1000 years later until another road was built. This was because the art of making cement was lost. It was in a foreign country that had practically every mineral that various countries needed to build empires but loe and behold there had been a problem with so-called countries ability to create any civilization. These people trampled over the West coast of this country in trampling over diamonds under foot in never picking up one to polish and to look at its inward Beauty. For thousands of years never setting sail over he ocean, driving a nail nor no literature but less than 200 years have taken over America. This no fault of their own. These people are being influenced by the global networks already mentioned.

    We have around 9 billion people on this planet. That gang that hates the progressive nation of SHEMITES, God’s people, are making war on all nations in the Orient and Asiatic nations especially here in America. T this moment we are being poisoned by food, medicine, water, and food. A global depression will set an international avenue in liquidating un-needed souls from the face of this earth. WE HAVE SPIRITUAL WAR ON OUR HANDS!


  35. Tubemonks
    Bertharina Rina Oh he does explain our march into global depression. The globalists I speak of do consist of global network of Jewish and Gentile rule through the art of gold manipulation. He doesn't mention the Jews, but he uses the term globalists. But you are right. But the globalist network is made up of all sorts of people in groups, societies and cabals. All these people are being used as puppets to forward the agenda that the ruling elite have devised. Forgetting the blood lines, It was started in the 18th century by Adam Weishaupt who created the Illuminati. His co conspirators were hung, but it still continues to this day under wraps under threat of financial, personal destruction, or death. JFK spoke of them in his famous speech. And don't let others tell you he meant communists either. The aim is to destroy the West as we know it and rebuild it in their blueprint. It's happening now with the debt crisis and the things you mentioned in your comment. Satanists are in all parts of the govt and in power everywhere. I know this. They use paedophilia as a tool for domination and blackmail. Another means of destroying someone as I mentioned earlier

    Since the founding of our Republic rogues in the hands of the Rothschild global banking system has pushed for internationalism. The enemies of all righteousness, agents of a hopeless, pseudo religious movement, took control through forcing the colonies into the hands of the Bank of England. They have finally taken control through the United nations Organization, and an off-shoot of the former League of Nations in Europe. The American Red cross is a tool in the hands of this communist run organization. The communist system is up and running in our country. 95% of national political whores work under the influence of universal socialism. This will never change until all religions are shut down that support the equality scheme that confirms Satan’s hold on our people!



    Citizens should learn more about our Constitution. This document was developed upon the interests of bankers, land owners, and speculators. Ronald Reagan was a liberal’s liberal.He was a patsy for the movie industry. Too, President of the Screen Actor’s guild. Yet, he doubled-crossed the members by backing movie producers under the table. Ronald looked out for Ronald and no one else. This weak character recognized the first Satan’s church as Governor of California. Hedda Hopper wrote a book and explained Ronald’s political prostitution–they were the best of friends. Ronnie was shot while in office-no surprise. He actually carried a concealed weapon when crossing his own union lines. Definitely not an individual that one should look up to.

  38. Warning
    The united Nations is a communist front. It was set up by global financiers. America has emerged into a full-blown police state. Years past, a congressman, Adam Clayton Powers, via national television, stated : ' We have got the white man on the run. Let's keep him on the run.' ' I personally watched and heard him say this.

    Now, who was behind this man. Who were they? Most likely, the same crowd today that keeps spreading racial turmoil. For sure, they did did not elevate any good between all races natio9nally. All people need to round up the Reds and political whores, of whom as parasites, and run them out of office.

    The late President Harry Truman, surrounded by Russian spies worked hard for the gangsters, of whom aided in Harry's recognizing the United Nations Organization in 1945. Harry also got on his knees in1948, when the State of Israel was sat up.. Only a complete fool would accept America's full demise into universal socialism, as it is right now. It would be wise to consider what we are headed for as we witness as to how FEMA and SWAT teams are kicking in people's doors under the least though of intentions. America has been overthrown. What we are faced with now is international Bolshevism. This is a pseudo religious mental disorder running back for several thousands of years.

  39. Friend,
    Thank you for taking interest in spreading the word of God. True, all of us are the children of God. What make makes me angry is as America basses its name on Democracy and then our devilish leaders go over seas to bomb and destroy helpless people over the earth.. Of course you might say that is none of my business, and to let them murder and plunder in the name of Christianity. We have hundreds of religious philosophies, movements, within America. The problem is that churches are getting fatter and the people poorer and poorer.

    Yes, i am amazed just how you so simply explained your faith in God. What you have said absolutely is put forth is simplicity of thought. You are correct. One should not try to take take God's place. As you implied, if one acts in accordance with God's will, then blessings will come forth.

    You have taken the time to explain to a complete stranger as to how one might serve our Lord and seek happiness by doing so. What you have denoted is clear and will bring peace and harmony into one's life. It is true that we are all God's children. And this is one great problem within America. I was born and raised in America. We have people in office who are greedy and oppress the people of all faiths. It is hard not to speak out against those who preach corruption and create racial hatred


    These people have suffered in trying to warn the world before and after WW11.

    William Joyce, school teacher in London. Jokingly, his London commie sympathizers labeled Joyce as Lord Ha Ha. Even though Joyce was not of British citizenship, he was tried and hanged as such. Mr. joyce was a united States citizen. Britain lost all of its colonies. She has been, London, is now being flooded with the trash from four corners of the globe. Mr. Joyce did not die in vain.

    General George Mosely, citizen, lived in London. This man warned Londoners day after day the dangers of Bolshevism. He comprehended the brutish nature of this eastern world anti-social movement, like a slow cancer that had moved into the land now known as Russia. Out of Asia, roaming no mads settled between the Caspian and Caspian seas. As Mosley warned, not only England but America is now ruled with alien visionaries spreading universal socialism. Mr. Mosley expired peacefully, but not in vain.

    Less we forget Ezra pound. This poetical visionary had been our contemporary world's most out standing poet. It took him 40 years to compose his " Cantos," No, he did not die i vain.

    Mr. Pound was an American citizen. He was on radio during WW11. He broadcasted from Italy. Like others, he warned of international financial engineers bringing on a useless war that was in nature on one hand a war for industrial expansion . His premise was that war was a racket. Pound new that Bolshevism was the very root to entrench the The United states and England with the global spread of international Bolshevism. He did not die in vain

    In 1945 Pound was put away via the St. Eelizabeth's mental institution in Washington, D.C. Pro-commie Roosevelt would not give Pound a court hearing.

    This information accuses our national administration as being allied with an invisible government, of world-wide proportions and glove-in-hand with a machine of political whoredom being engaged to bring down our western society, America, right into the arms of a world order based upon an ancient political philosophy known as a confederated pseudo democracy based upon political anarchy.


    The word Jew did not come into existence before 1770. The proper word is Judean. Christ did not st up any type of religion. All religions in America and the world are man-made perceptions of overly educated simpletons.

    Yes, the Talmud is Jewish law. It consist of the mishna and the gemera. One is the law and the other is punishment for violations. As karl Marx options, that gold is a Jewish God, and the Talmud should become liberalized.

    Marx insisted Jews must learn to assimilate with gentiles until they change their thinking. Marx was a Talmudist. Sigmund Freud's post social pathology is based upon the Talmud, and so is Fredrick Engels. Ferdinand Lassale is the father of communism. Marx was an economists while Lassale was a communist revolutionary.

    The first christian church was established at Antioch Syria. It was here that Paul and Peter had a run in about how the church was being infiltrated with Talmudic philosophy. Today we discover the same work among misled christian faiths over sexual perversion amongst members.

    God came down on the church at Antioch, because the teachings of the Talmud were being spread in regards to unsound members coming into the church with intentions to corrupt honest members. The main teaching was that when a man' s wife had died then the son should have his wife. This was nothing but devilish intrusion via open incest. In fact, the filthy word ( MF ) originated. God told Paul that even the heathen nations never taught such of a doctrine.

    There is no doubt about it that phallus worshipers control America. Take a look at Hollywood and the national news media. All of this sexual perversion can be traced back to ancient Sumeria. Abraham rejected such teachings, and had to leave in fear of his life,

    Sexual perversion in the house of our Lord can be traced back to ancient Egypt via the gods Osiris and Isis, running through Astarte. Edomites control America. This is a lineage that God actually despises. Another for this evil lineage is the blood line that is in the major ethnic classes.that rule through out the world.
    Christ came through a pure blood lineage, from Mary to Abraham, to Jacob, to Noah, and back to Adam an Eve. There is a class of liberals invading America from eastern Europe that are scatter braining a philosophy that God puts all of his children, collectively, into one major dumpster of higher educational discreetness, that all mankind are merely fools--especially the ignorant and the super ignorant and the ultra ignorant are being pinned down that mankind walked forth from the swamps and evolved into a democratic system, in trying to discover the path to follow in making his daily bread by becoming misled fools.

    Albert Einstein arrived in New York in 1933. Thousands of anti communism protesters screamed, for him to return to Europe. Some ignorant and super ignorant people gave this man much credit to the Roosevelt administration–supposedly ( Albert’s ) Theory of Relativity carried weight intellectually, during construction of the Atomic bomb. This was an outright lie.
    It is known that the late Harry Solomon Truman and close friend, ( Mr. Cohen ), together, knelt down to Albert’s identical God, and begged our creator for a future Communist United Nations Organization, as set up in 1948. These famous characters, Harry and Albert, prayers are always forwarded, if the nation's news media paves a broad road that these
    fellow travelers had the opportunity to travel- relativity and politics


    We must go back several thousands of years to discover, or riddle, as to who our real enemies are. This gang controlling England and the United States are descendants of Esau, the Red.---RED RUSSIA.

    King David and King Solomon with the aid of an Egyptian Pharaoh, HAZOR MGIDDO, GESZER , attempted to erase this blood lineage from the face of their ancient times. The political gangsters stationed in London England and New York city are tied in with the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department,The international Monetary Fund, and Wall Street. Their chief respondents sits on the Council of Foreign Relations board. This crew controls the presidency appointments. This gang pretty well controls the State Department. All in all, an invisible international web of Jewish in cahoots with Gentile banksters are nothing but a front of a global pseudo-religious system in an alliance with Beelzebub and his pack of devils in the flesh !

    Astounding, but true, here is the blood lineage of which high-strong liberals controlling our pseudo-democracy in an alliance with pseudo-republicanism is driving America straight into the communist international driven machine of international Bolshevism--SOCIALISM !

    Without mercy nor forgiveness, should this royal gang be driven from national government right back into the ideal sewer they apparently arose from. Extensive research ties such traitors back to ancient Esau, the father of the Edomites. EDOMITES CONTROL AMERICA TODAY. Basically, they are the political perverts inspiring phallus worship nationwide. Here is the blood lineage from whence our country is to destruct: Amorites, Edomites, Hittites, Perizzites, Kenites, JEBUSITES; in all persuasion, these modernday political swindlers are not ISRAELITES.


    The grand old foundations use tax-free monies in handing out preferential
    endowments to pro-commie organizations. Both political parties uses this pro One World fantasy as a scheme to conceal just how the American people are to be enslaved, through becoming a dumping ground for global revolutionaries, from the four corners of the earth.. This invasion is harvested from a collective Marxianized proletarian dream, that was farsighted, when Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, visualized gutting the United States through their apparent intention to globalize universal socialism.

    Spencer, It is impossible to be an atheist. To be an atheist, because subconsciously you are compelled to believe that something must exist, otherwise you deal in abstractions. Satan loves to divert honest people like you. He, Lucifer, is a trickster in deception; his weapon, trap, has pulled you into his web of delusional deliverance through the art of psychic irreversibility.

    Social engineering seems to be the foundation of your moment rant in declaring your so called disbelief of divine intervention. Certainly, it demonstrates your declared honest to step forward and to actually loathe and abhor the corruption all around us. Thanks for be observant personality, for you are one in a million that something is wrong in America. Well, it is! Our country is controlled by perverts. Actually we are under thought control. The communist party that its doctrine of universal socialism is in out front yard right now. Our nation, particular white, and all nations that form democratic way of life are doomed into mental slavery.

    Fundamentally, organized communist gangsters and Red Russian revolutionaries control our National Educational industry, the federal Reserve system, the Treasury Dept., New York Stock Exchange, and now are moving in with state dictatorships known as the City and county management form of communist rule. God forbid ! they have complete control of our united States State Department. There is an old saying: better red than dead. Well, this whole country been become a sewer running over with Reds and their police state through SWAT and FEMA gestapo tactics. PLEASE DO NOT LET SATAN'S GANG DUMB YOU DOWN INTO ATHEISM. God bless you as an individual !


    Never prepay a funeral. This is one of the biggest rackets in America that makes the used-car industry look like angles.. Yes, these funeral directors plunder from the death bed to the grave. Their motto, ( NEVER GIVE A DEAD SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK, NOR THE DECEASED ONE'S FAMILY ANOTHER CHANCE TO STAY OUT OF DEBT..) People are looted and swindled . It is a crime in telling victims to pay while they lay, after death. By that time. the robbery goes under ground, in looting corpses. . Get a cremation, and put some of these racketeers back onto the streets, and their bible quoting spin -heads straight into the gutters. Some years past, a book was printed, " The American Way of Death." I showed this to a funeral director, He called , ( honest John ), because he never lied about stealing, Showing him this mentioned book, it was like spitting into his face. He declared that he was a ( born again christian and he was not perfect. This jerk threw me out of his office. It is good to pray, especially when being looted legally; but remember that Satan can appear as an angel.of light, Also Lucifer is the prince of this world. Most of the devil's angels are in the funeral racket. Yes, we should look upwards to enjoying God's divinity, but we must also slush through the muck and mire of Satan's pals of whom go under ground to do their dirty work. The name of the funeral home was, ( HEAVENLY BOUND. ). It should have been, ROBBERS ROOST.


    Does this mean that Israel is just a speck on this planet? Israel is a chosen race-God's people. I believe that this information is a drop in the bucket, when we consider the Gaza Strip. Just think of it. All this wealth under the global Zionist movement.
    It would be well if our State Department would keep its nose out of other alien nation's business
    Americans generally, are the best read people on mother earth, and the least informed. From the late Woodrow Wilson to the present, our nation, Israel, is being politically gutted and into the paws of international Bolshevism. Bolshevism is a disguise, for universal socialism under the precepts that communism is using America in aborting freedom, in furthering the dragging of a dumbed-down national population, into an unseen invisible utopian anti-social scheme sustained by agents of Satan--Beezlebub and his family of devils in the flesh. These devils were bounced from the Creator's presence winding up in controlling honest tax payers through give away monies, in supporting world-wide revolutions through the United Nations Organizations.
    The spirit to triumph has been lost in our Republic. It is too late to shed tears for our hour has arrived. Our last hope is that God will forgive our nation, for going awry of His warnings. God always dealt with his people when his laws are down graded, and this was countered by bringing famines. It is obvious that the current weather fluctuations is a blue print for tomorrow..
    THERE ARE TWIN ISRAEL'S ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH. One is in America and the other in the near East. It is pertinent that this statement should be checked out. For in the last days one should stand on Holy ground when a well planned global depression is gradually moving into America. This cyclops of Marxian, plus Lenin's plan of christian destruction is on course, with a one-way track to destruct Western Christian civilization. This force cannot be reversed, for pseudo democracy is Zionism's chief opponent of our Republican form of government. It's too late to head for ballot boxes. Out time has come !.


    Why are the world’s Gypsies treated so ugly. Under Zackariah, the prophet, these people were Jews.

    This prophet let them go into Egypt in order to get away from the famine in Canaan. No man is nothing

    that turns his back on his fellow man. We are all God’s children and should come under the covenant in which our creator swore that all nations through Abraham’s seed line would be blessed. However, the Gypsies are left on their own to be persecuted through out the world. The questioned remains : why can’t

    these people get their palms into the U.S Treasury in using the organized religious scheme in raking in a few bucks from national tax payers. The rejuvenated scriptures-Come unto me and your man-made gods

    will fill thy temples, ( bodies ), with worldly goods. Please do not turn thy backs on fellow creatures. This

    would be an insult to an unknown creator.


    With great pleasure towards this present generation of whom behold our Republic in absolute selfless love, we should remember at least three outstanding political beneficiaries of whom played a major influence in aiding the apparent political design to wrestle our Western civilization into the oriental collectivists of eastern world nationalistic despotism. This new world reorganization is to be composed of what I.V. Lenin normalizes a universal Worker's-Peasents regimentation of global revolutionaries being inspired with the economic theory of Dialectical Materialism. Karl Marx was V..I. Lenin's alter ego through the latter eighteen hundreds, in coordination with emigres and locals, in establishing Bolshevism In the latter years. Russia became Soviet Russia. All-in-all, Soviet is the invisible fly in the ointment, and no simile, holding a heavy-hand over the United Nations Organization. Without further ado, we bring to light Harry S. truman, Winston Churchill, and Joseph lawfully served masters from behind in creating in part to our nation's self-destruct through working hand-in-glove through alien influences that now control our pseudo Democratic-Republican system now in the hands of the Federal Reserve and cooporate rule.

    Fredrick Engels, a London industrialists, was Karl Marx's ideological companion, in laying out socialism in the western hemisphere, was a master in wrecking the family relationship as an institution supporting a pure capitalistic system based upon individual entrepreneurship under a Constitution. Obviously, this is where our supposed free capitalism, pseudo, stand rests its truncation into an ever flowing sewer of Red revolutionaries now nesting in all levels of national governmt.The family institution is being wrecked. The weak-minded middle class liberals has degenerated into mid-stream political inneptness, while deciding what buoy of politcal option, left or right, in trying to maintain an idle existence to survive a well-planned global depression. Since 1945 to the present eara, the State Department had been laboring in alliance with a Red tinged Stock exchange and treasury Dept. to further the political. social, and culture perspectives of universal socialism while being blinded by the politically misled into social engineering renegades of whom have reordered America into a well planned police state.

    America has a Third Rail social movement built in Congress. This artificial system of communist emancipation allies its self with Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg, Va. address. The Communist Manifesto is home-made aside this politician's rambling speech to hoards of inarticulate beings inability to comprehend man's rightful life through Divine intervention. No government on earth has ever given a nation of mankind any rights. Governments give privileges. Under implanted eastern world fundamentalism.Asian despots use the iron law of rule through open fear. As before mentioned, we must remember that Truman, Churchill and Stalin's theory of one-world rule through a global machine held in place by the so-called people's worker's rule is just a myth, evolving from the depths of Jewish-gentile financial interest and Esau has created two divided nations of which at this very moment Congress is serving two masters. One is of Beezlebub and his family of devils and the other international Bolshevism. We can think the three musketeers of past political prostitution of which has it's fangs right into our national throat of a two-party leadership in the hands of oriental occidentalism with the aid of the Soviet Union

  50. Spencer, It is impossible to be an atheist. To be an atheist, because subconsciously you are compelled to believe that something must exist, otherwise you deal in abstractions. Satan loves to divert honest people like you. He, Lucifer, is a trickster in deception; his weapon, trap, has pulled you into his web of delusional deliverance through the art of psychic irreversibility.

    Social engineering seems to be the foundation of your moment rant in declaring your so called disbelief of divine intervention. Certainly, it demonstrates your declared honest to step forward and to actually loathe and abhor the corruption all around us. Thanks for be observant personality, for you are one in a million that something is wrong in America. Well, it is! Our country is controlled by perverts. Actually we are under thought control. The communist party that its doctrine of universal socialism is in out fron yard right now. Our nation, particular white, and all nations that form democratic way of life are doomed into mental slavery.

    Fundamentally, organized communist gangsters and Red Russian revolutionaries control our National Educational industry, the federal Reserve system, the Treasury Dept., New York Stock Exchange, and now are moving in with state dictatorships known as the City and county management form of communist rule. God forbid ! they have complete control of our united States State Department. There is an old saying: better red than dead. Well, this whole country been become a sewer running over with Reds and their police state through SWAT and Fama gestapo tactics. PLEASE DO NOT LET SATAN’S GANG DUMB YOU DOWN INTO ATHEISM. God bless you as an individual !

    Time usually tells when two global political ideologies come face to face, as two immoveable personalities meet head on when an unpleasant political situation has developed within the Ukrainian ” Crimea. ” This constituent republic of Russia is a geological nat in comparison to greater Russia and its vast land. President Vladimir Putin well comprehends the past inner struggle from the late I.V. Lenin upwards through Joseph Stalin. Putin is trying to rewind historical beginnings back to the days when Bolshevism took roots in 1918. President Putin is somewhat like the elephant in that he never forgets. In essence, Putin is clever in that his political monstrosity needles ahead as an elephant tramping the under ground with a clear view of what lies beyond. At least, President Putin has the rule of parliamentarian consciousness
    Like a whirlwind out of eastern Europe, America’s guardian eagle icon has spread its talons, in fear of a monster’s stamping ground through the Crimea. Now, the powers that be, an invisible clan of anti-social engineers as global rulers, is warning the elephant by way of sending armaments and troops into East Poland in order to somewhat warn an apparent enemy not to mess with an eagle of ole-Uncle Sam unless you can fly. Well, we have a political stalemate when paranoidism fills the political atmosphere between Eastern Poland and Crimean wheat fields. Of course, bread and raw minerals is not the bare issue, but this problem has wavered back and forth through out Eastern Europe. The annexing of landed nations though our state Dept. as a mid stream to further our nation’s move through post imperialism is a fraudulent scheme of an alien machine of world domination. The Putin government does not spread its wings through annexation nor stinger rockets but continually dips into the Marxian perception of global socialism. This is why the Crimea incident is a turning-back situation for both sides of the globe.
    Going back into history Hitler and Stalin made a treaty. Hitler took over Austria, and Red Russia gulped up the three Balkan states, not not mention Yugoslavia and East Poland.
    And then President Gorbachev denounced Joseph Stalin’s mind-set towards Bolshevism and its bridesmaid communism. We can turn and twist this coin as pleased but both sides do not vary. The mother of all lies is that communism is dead. The struggle now is to literally trick our American republic that Karl Marx’s materialistic dialectical materialism has fallen through cracks of a police state ruler ship of pro-communist revolutionaries now form cells with every state and national government. America is now a commie controlled police state. The Crimea deal is delusional on both opposites of social configuration in the usefulness of brain washing the inarticulate masses aren’t aware as to the socialist movement harboring in the atmosphere of political prostitution and its diverting middle-class intellectuals through the management of political serfdom through the gang in congress and planted traitors within the Dept. of state. A good example would be John Kerry and Hillary Clinton when it comes to foreign affairs.


    This new generation has purposely reared a one massive race of cowards. We have no heroes for our youth to look up to. All the past presidents since Woodrow Wilson to the obvious have merely been tools of a national government amongst misled citizens that are invariability internationally minded. Our republic has more of a spiritual war rather harboring one major class of aristocrats being used as machine as a front for the followers iniquity. In the ultimate, our many nations created as one whole has been destroyed from within. Once again we must congeal the various nations on this continent ( America ) ready to combine as human machine in opposing the enemy within. Only with grace of God will we get through this. Now is the time for all good men to unite as one single human arrow to drive into the heart of devils that make use of national government, as a tool, snake, coiled ready strike down Satan’s angels that has coiled its fangs into every national political gangster, of which steals the honest labor of classes of all citizens, of whom ignorantly follow in the steps of ancient Astarte and Moloch. Naturally, the national news media as an agent of foreign absentee illicit investors and land lords should be rounded up and tried on the grounds of high treason.

    Absolutely, we have a governmental machine known as a confederacy. Thomas Paine warned of this ( Federal ) concoction against a new nation when noting that Article 6, section 6, on treaties, was shoved into the Constitution. On this remarkable observation Paine noticed how international finance working through the Bank of England struck the first so-called blow from the Rothschild wealth housed in
    France needling its monetary influence through civilized nations. Behind the political veil the global banksters rule America. No doubt it, America has the best twin-sided political force in ruler ship that money can buy.

    Numbering years past, a congress on national television screamed: “We have a specific nation on the run (guess ), let’s keep him on the
    run.” Recently an individual via television hawked; “We must take our country back. The congress man did not say who controlled our republic. Here is a case of thought control. It is amazing as to how an imbedded alien enemy practicing a religion as a shield can actually fool the naturally ignorant, the educated ignorant and the super ignorant being so intellectually corrupt in national governmental affairs so blinded by truth. No not blinded and bought off.

    Yes, indeed, as already mentioned American youth have no idols to look up to, and all of this really reached a level when the pro-Commie Harry Truman allied with Joseph Stalin being tied to universal finance. Backing these two stooges gave Eisenhower the authority to turn over prisoners ( 50,000) from German war camps in Siberian Slave camps murder on the other. to be worked to death or to be shot back of the head No one has ever heard from these beings. Only Satan and his gang have blood on their hands. And of course, Ike had a girl friend ( British agent ) to keep him warm at night. Blood on one hand, murder on the other. This scheme was known as Operation Keel haul. Since Patton and Mac Arthur was murdered young people have no military idols. Be not deceived readers, FEMA and SWAT squads are under the under guardian ship of the Communist International, The United Nations Organization. America is the arms of universal Bolshevism. When our Creator brought on the great deluge He did not let mercy rob justice. The gang of political robbers, thieves, dead beats, whore mongerers etc;, are allied with alien powers of whom will have no mercy, for they are trained to bring down America for they serve no justice at all for our republic! These thoughts are incredible, but true!

    " Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the lamb of God and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth. .And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth.....she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindred, and tongues, and people. " Extract--I Nephi, 14 Pg.26.

    The glory of God is intelligence. The immensity of space is filled with intelligence. No one can be saved in ignorance, for God hates ignorance.


    All of a sudden, alien troops show up on the Crimean border. These troops are were in unmarked uniforms. At first, President Putin showed little concern, and withheld as to who these invaders were. Most people in Times Square thought that outsiders from another planet had landed on earth in order to get a close up look at heard of Homo Sapiens; if so, and in Crimea, most likely if the first visitor saw a gas pump, taking it for a humanoid, would wonder why such strangers would stand around with one hand in an ear and the other shoved some where else. And most of all, this being would not say hello.

    All in all, Putin likes to fall into with crowds, in taking part with his think alike peers. This strange character is a down to earth and loves to joke. It is possible that putin recalled the late Orson Wells' radio broadcast in 1939, " War of The Worlds." At that time, all America was shaken up and many jumped of bridges. Here we at first, new not who were the strange unmarked invaders in the Crimea. All in all, to settle the Crimean confusion would be to put white hoods over gas pumps, unmarked invaders, President Putin, and President Obama. We should let John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Alfred E. Neunan with his " I don't worry. " What a trio!


    Jerusalem at mid-day stops all the machinery of public shopping commotion, with heads bowed as President Netenyahu thinks that Iran wants to commit another genocide act against the state of Israel. Murder against populations or individual clans is nothing but open slaughter, that illicit investors over the globe pocket monetary proceeds from suffering humanity. We have all sorts of gods on the face of this earth; but these ancient gods since the era of ancient Egypt are still lurking in the minds of man--in the hemishphere we have Osis, Isis, and Astardi.

    America should dump all three of these man-made gods as the great Golan monster, collectively, that lurches over all pseudo democracies upon the European commercial industry, reaching back into the Bank of England and thus into the Disunited States of America. Obviously, we have a triangular configuration of three religious monopolies, Zionism, Catholicism, and protestantism, in an alliance to actually dumb-down all mankind; to fall in line with questionable origins of manufacturing, what is to be put forward on Heaven's platter via sent fourth from podium to state operations; in covering up for global illicit investing through any and all states, that thrive from the open robbery of all productive people. This operation of commercial slaughter of innocent nations around the universe coincides with human global genocide and nothing else.

    Taking all things as a whole, of which leads to any sort of genocide, starvation or incineration, whether in Jerusalem or Iran, blinds the cruel act of political crime and unthinkable inhumanity of the Clinton administration. One of the greatest acts against a hand full of religious followers was the mass murder of Christians at Waco, Texas. Attorney General Janet Reno and Bill Clinton actually slaughtered women, men, and children, because David Koresh's biblical theory did not coincide with national oppositional religious configurations, and would not take monetary freebies from the IRS. Well, FEMA, SWAT, and civil authorities had a field-day in using tanks, gas, and armed troops in dealing out unchained Hell against innocent citizens. And who were behind this on-rush to sustain a criminal regime in power, none other that those illicit investors, of whom conceal their identities within the triangular rule of an invisible govrment that holds American citizenry to a universal nest of collective, corrupt investors, that uses genocide or murder to keep nations and citizens in line.

    Less we forget, there have been five global depressions since the latter fifteenth century. An invisible global financial serpent has needled its way into the very souls of all civilized nations of the West. Without question, the sixth world wide depression is on upon us. The Obama administration is fraught with bootlegging political prostitution--Congress is bought and sold to fraudulent liberalism. Palm-greasing is the name of the game. Momentarily, we have a post Harry Truman Police Action, in blinding our nation to an oncoming depression--Putin invades the Crimea just on time. Here, the triangled serpent rests its fangs aimed at any European ally that does not fall in line.

    But, Russia releases gas and oil to Europe, this ding-a-ling situation is a threat to the Netenyahu strong-arm administration.

    The possibilty of a fire-ball between iran and Israel is a joker's misconception, based upon a paranoidic nation's perception, that a world is near-sighted as to how a new state that originated in 1948 lives in fear that another Holocaust originator is two next-door neighbors--Syria and Iran !

  56. Marxian political perversion is momentarily salted-down with Putin’s unwavering stance
    via the Crimean situation. Shouting from the moscow roof-tops in declaring that Russia
    was all Christian carries weight with the Ukrainian empire.The conclusion is cemented--there must be a nest of western liberals nursing the ideal internationalist philosophy political of whom vipers still snaking a singular path towards a One World government as pursued through the late
    Presidents franklin roosevelt and Winston churchill. These two political gangsters served their
    handlers well. Of course polishing a road in setting up the zionist camp in 1948. putin has hijacked the pro-communist gang that rules the the Red network of destabilizers controlling national news industries. and his family of devils roosts within the Disunited States of Amerika
    This gang if intellectual perversion and professional sycophants must be rooted out.


    Jerusalem at mid-day stops all the machinery of public shopping commotion, with heads bowed as President Netenyahu thinks that Iran wants to commit another genocide act against the state of Israel. Murder against populations or individual clans is nothing but open slaughter, that illicit investors over the globe pocket monetary proceeds from suffering humanity. We have all sorts of gods on the face of this earth; but these ancient gods since the era of ancient Egypt are still lurking in the minds of man–in the hemishphere we have Osis, Isis, and Astardi.

    America should dump all three of these man-made gods as the great Golan monster, collectively, that lurches over all pseudo democracies upon the European commercial industry, reaching back into the Bank of England and thus into the Disunited States of America. Obviously, we have a triangular configuration of three religious monopolies, Zionism, Catholicism, and protestantism, in an alliance to actually dumb-down all mankind; to fall in line with questionable origins of manufacturing, what is to be put forward on Heaven’s platter via sent fourth from podium to state operations; in covering up for global illicit investing through any and all states, that thrive from the open robbery of all productive people. This operation of commercial slaughter of innocent nations around the universe coincides with human global genocide and nothing else.

    Taking all things as a whole, of which leads to any sort of genocide, starvation or incineration, whether in Jerusalem or Iran, blinds the cruel act of political crime and unthinkable inhumanity of the Clinton administration. One of the greatest acts against a hand full of religious followers was the mass murder of Christians at Waco, Texas. Attorney General Janet Reno and Bill Clinton actually slaughtered women, men, and children, because David Koresh’s biblical theory did not coincide with national oppositional religious configurations, and would not take monetary freebies from the IRS. Well, FEMA, SWAT, and civil authorities had a field-day in using tanks, gas, and armed troops in dealing out unchained Hell against innocent citizens. And who were behind this on-rush to sustain a criminal regime in power, none other that those illicit investors, of whom conceal their identities within the triangular rule of an invisible govrment that holds American citizenry to a universal nest of collective, corrupt investors, that uses genocide or murder to keep nations and citizens in line.

    Less we forget, there have been five global depressions since the latter fifteenth century. An invisible global financial serpent has needled its way into the very souls of all civilized nations of the West. Without question, the sixth world wide depression is on upon us. The Obama administration is fraught with bootlegging political prostitution–Congress is bought and sold to fraudulent liberalism. Palm-greasing is the name of the game. Momentarily, we have a post Harry Truman Police Action, in blinding our nation to an oncoming depression–Putin invades the Crimea just on time. Here, the triangled serpent rests its fangs aimed at any European ally that does not fall in line.

    But, Russia releases gas and oil to Europe, this ding-a-ling situation is a threat to the Netenyahu strong-arm administration.



    Why should we let the dead legislate to the living. Three political gangsters in 1945 sat up The North Atlantic Treaty Organization--Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Winston Churchill. Of course,
    this brought in other nations of Europe. Small-fry Third World nations
    are a combination of banana republics. Opposite red-neck liberals shaded via Marxian intellectual mind juggling grab hold of the Constitution as a first resort in opposition when the NATO gang moves towards global imperialism, as Vladimir Putin has stalled such intentions by moving into the Crimea. Israel hates Netanyahu as an anti-social gangster. This mad-man is glorying in the Gaza strip affair, in that his scheme for a third WW is in line with NATO illegally interferes with specific Middle Eastern states. Somewhere within this twisted situation
    Unified pall bearers will be needed on both sides and the dead will remain without a voice against war crimes being committed against innocent nations.

    Quite a post on how not to become a lunatic. One uppermost
    consideration in sustaining a normal disposition is to stay away from
    lawyers, and any atmospheric condition that smells of these legal body
    snatchers. Collectively, this profession is a mental disorder housed
    within the bodies of the living dead. Their prolonged disposition is to
    attach individual desires, in procreating, transposing, nature into a
    look-a-like, corpses, hustling along with valises, filled with torts
    that guarantee outright robbery of helpless souls. Socrates, ( 382 BC ),
    denounced these vipers, as plagues of society and idle vampires.
    The late, Clarence Darrow, internationally known criminal trial lawyer,
    noted: Never trust a lawyer! The most upper thought of these body
    snatchers is to never give a sucker an even break, nor a chump another

    One must inquire as to the relationship of demons, and this shabby class
    of professional liars have in common with national organized crime.
    While supposedly protecting clients in, general too, health departments
    should monitor these symbolically dilapidated souls ,as the walking dead.
    An old maxim, ‘ the dead know nothing’, is contrary to reasonable
    attention. A soul dead in heart and consciousness is a walking zombie.
    Observe many of these creatures slurking from bar to bar thirsting for
    alcohol. The above average lawyer, and eventually to become judges, are
    known as a quart-a-day shysters. The only contribution to the living is
    to literally suck the blood from the ignorant and super ignorant and the

    It is pertinent that level-headed citizens be forewarned of this
    legalized iniquity out of hell, thrust upon any civilization. Some years
    past, a celluloid flick was on the market, ‘ The Walking Dead’. It was
    well known that no lawyers would be hired as stand ins. NO STIFFS.

    The producers wanted people acting as they were dead, not actually
    deceased individuals, of whom were spiritually dead already. Stick to

    mother nature’s eloquent advice, as to a healthy life via dodging
    scoundrels in pinstriped suits. Most congressmen are Ambulance

    It is imperative that level-headed individuals should reform psychically

    ( 1 ) Bastards are mother nature’s gift rather than a sign of liberalism

    ( 2 ) Democratic infrastructure is mob brilliance vs blockhead rule

    ( 3 ) Marxian economics is genuine mental gymnastics for laboring poor

    (4 ) Corporations functions ideally as marks of individual ingenuity

    ( 5 ) America is bound with a Constitution and is absolutely infallible

    ( 6 ) Congress represents the people and is under a sworn oath

    ( 7 ) Not all politicians steal, take a bribe, violate oath of office

    ( 8 ) All human nuts and bolts are significant and should count as a vote

    ( 9 ) America should be reformed as a basket-case for incipient socialism

    ( 10 ) Politicians make mistakes by theft but none of us are real honest

    ( 11 ) When a political gangster takes an on his mother’s grave he is honest

    ( 12 America is not being invaded because people want freedom

    ( 13 ) Bastards controlling our country were bastards art birth and remain as such. A leopard cannot change its spots; but this class of political dumpster
    divers can be trusted in a public outhouse, while not wearing a muzzle.


    God has always been intolerant towards pseudo-
    religious philosophies, based upon man's self-opinionated needs. Most people do not explain
    as to what deity being referred to in the singular.
    In most cases to believe is only allying with Satan and his gang; for even the devils believe. fear and tremble! From Gautama through Protestantism, one major religious empire thrown
    together with fear. Pull the money rug from be-
    neath and all crumble, into the ancient man-made
    temples of lust and gain.
    Naturally, the temple was destroyed in
    70 AD. Apparently, Something had gone wrong. God said that his personal temple would be destroyed and resurrected in 3 days. Ignorant and super ignorant, collectively, had been clinging to
    spiritual stagnation after returning from Babylon.
    America has become a modern day Babylon. Most
    likely God is rejecting America,as in the past, for his nation,and children, are now whoring

    In the final days ( 100-170 ) that total
    collapse of God's church, which began at Antioch,
    lost all contact with his people; God withdrew his divine messages through prophets and Apostles.
    To even imply that God has no body, parts or passion, in implying that intolerance is
    not love, is to subtly spread open rebellion
    rebellion against anyone searching for truth.
    The glory of God is intelligence. God actually hates ignorance! One cannot be schooled
    while under the influence of spiritual pablum in the hands of hundreds of gods now flooding America. Look how Israel is treated today. The God
    of Israel is now at the mercies of pseudo oriental
    religious functionaries. Israel tries to practice
    tolerance, while intolerance is preached from every house top.
    Let me add: God is intolerant of every
    device of pseudo religious whoredom and its political power that feeds from the national
    treasury, Thank God for being intolerant.


    This is a spiritual war between ancient Esau the ( Red ), and his twin brother Jacob. God named Jacob ( Israel ). This spiritual struggle was revealed in the Garden of Eden. The serpent, Lucifer, in agreement with Eve, that this earthly struggle would be between his, (Satan's’ ) seed line and Eve’s. Please notice that this motivational conversation via Adam and the serpent was not recorded!

    Shockingly, and little noticed, all presidents in the past, willingly or not, were compelled to lay their left hand upon the Old Testament, upon a specific prophetic nurture, while holding their right hand into the air, when taking an oath. This actually gives a very subtle warning that Christ as the New Testament is of no avail. To day, since our republic is held aloft via a machine of global criminals, all pseudo man-made religions, primarily, are held in check with tax freebies from the IRS. Agents of Satan using individual greed has full control over a nation, America, through the art of diabetes in bringing a people down to the level many dumb, fat, stupid humanoids. The late dirty bastard, Ike Eisenhower, took that oath unto Satan and and gave his soul via murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent Christians of Berlin in 1945. Just as this hour, Eisenhower served the gods of Moloch and Baal, as these ancient gods now rule us in bringing into

    the forefront ISIS. NATO is illegally involved in a global conquest under Zionist adventurism. How many

    Christians will die under another Eisenhower. This whole gang in congress are unified souls.

    America has become a melting pot for pseudo religious movements, of Oriental fundamentalism’s in an attempt to destroy what's left of christian Western civilization. Our Republic is now in the hands and influence of Idumea. This nation is of the roots of ancient Esau, the Red, Red Russia, –Bolshevism, is locked with horns between Obama and Premier Putin. Putin is attempting to stay away from pseudo democracy, as being spread worldwide by the loans to Third- World nations through the International Monetary Fund. This machine is a tool of the United Nations Organization.

    So we learn that we are in a spiritual war, not materialist conception. War and political whoredom are methods to carry on ancient Esau’s determination to make war upon any nation or religious promulgation, that brings to light God’s worst enemy. God says: I loved Jacob, but I have hated Esau! In the last days God implies that this gang of satanic misgivings with be burned as a stubble!

    God says that his seed line is of Shem, oldest son of Noah–He, God, knows His children, and no one cannot pluck them from his hands. The United Nations Organizations is an opponent of God. All is huff and bluff, when mud people, globalized financial gangsters, in the spirit of looting the world’s helpless populations, seek revelation from the depths of hell in order to grind down God’s people in carrying on a spirit of hatred, for taking a stand in order to drag the globe’s inarticulate herds down a global road of darkness, right into the arms of international socialism!

  63. two
    ndustrialists harboring a complicated reversal of an incident that had
    taken place several thousands of years in past history. Primarily, it has
    always been a One World scheme.

    For sure, the global political centerfold has broadened its wing. The West
    is being confronted with Vladimir Putin of the Soviet Union. Countering
    this is NATO, On one side of this earth, particular America and England,
    have become offensively intimidated. The Crimean affair was proclaimed as
    being offensive by way of President Putin’s remarkable geopolitical
    instincts, in failing to fall in line with a well-planned third world war,
    of which was fore-planned by a remarkable ability of America’s invisible
    invaders, mud slappers , who worked their way into America in the eighteen
    hundreds--at Ellis Island we had the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    Remarkably, we the border affair with Mexico. Here we a class of
    drug-pushers controlling the the underworld drug industry in our country,
    America. This element can be controlled while the mud-people has infected
    our whole national political system. The question is why and how?

    Evidently, we are in a massive turmoil in comprehending homeland security.
    Mainly, no child is safe on the streets of America. Yet we send drones and
    stinger rockets into asian countries, of which usually wind up in a
    specific countries enemy hands. All in all, the west will never solve asian
    and Near East religious philosophies--they are pleased with their own gods,
    In no way will any of these nations will accept a pseudo democracy, as
    witnessed within America. Basically, the political and social correlation
    between church and state is our countries major asset, rather than mud
    people destabilizing alien Third-World nations. America is in a wedge
    between who controls NATO and the United Nations Organizations. Obviously,
    it is that unseen and un-declared invisible financial operatives of whom
    murdered the truth in ancient days. 

    Congress should hold a liar's reunion every year on the White House lawn. This is where Satan gathers teams of professional political whores, in order to keep this gang in collusion to plan robbery, plunder, murder, and a standard road to hell with their fellow travelers.
    This country, America, nation, was not sat up as a christian nation, but by men as proponents of Christianity. However, various people follow our God's rulings in various manners and fashions. Yes, Jewish influence was at the helm of leadership through the Rothschild banking industry. This monetary influence was tied directly to the Bank of England. An example of Jewish influence was through a Mr. Cohen, who lost one million dollars in backing George Washington.
    America was not sat up as a christian nation. In fact, the movement was of a revolutionary decree against mother England. Today, our country is an appendage and dependent of the British empire. Look at the Crimean affair, Soviet Russia has ties to this Ukrainian impediment as a state appendage.
    We could talk for ever as to the awaiting fate of our republic and not realize the secluded Marxian orientated rebellion against the reverse of absolute capitalism into the hands of loan-sharking interest.Karl Marx was an economist and hated his Jewish background. He claimed that Jewish money lovers practiced self-hatred. This opinion has been around since the days of Christ. However, our republic has fallen down into the hands of universal monetary financial racketeers backing a future One World government.
    Astounding, but true, every president from Teddy Roosevelt until the present administration has supported international religious rustlers working along with the Rothschild banking industry and its worldwide network as ruled by a satanic objection to any and all christian values that any any nation welcomed the influence of Jesus Christ.

  65. As all religions are man-made, any progressive lier can fundle along as a prince of God, in duping innocent and honest people. Billy Graham and John Hagee were and are agents of Satan. Study both of these characters background and their instructions about God and readily recognise that Lucifer gives revelations too. I am not speaking ill against any followers, for i was duped over the years, and listened to bastardised fools milk the souls of unsuspected beings, pawning themselves off as God's representitives. I would llike to reiterate, Billy Graham has done his part for Satan, and now is bedded-down with a conscious that Satan is well satisfied with. And now, this Hagee is a most dangerous minister within America, for he is in hock with professional revoliutionaries of oriental fundmenralism's anti-Christ renegades. Christ was never a Jew, but Hagee was born into that cast via the mystery of birth.

  66. America is a state established via revolution as a break off from mother England. Actually, America is a tool as tied to universal Zionism. All through ancient history ancient Esau has managed to break Israel into segments. The fifty segments are fifty disunited States of Amerika. The chosen race is to be mongrelized. This is being accomplished now. Cuba is now recognized. This is under an umbrella of universal Marxian Bolshevism. America now practices emperialism. This is following ancient Nimrod’s first movement towards imperialism. Only through our pseudo-religious empire is this taking shape. Satan is at the helm of state.


    and he said unto me ( Lord ) Behold there are two churches only, one is the church of the lamb of God, and the other is the church of the Devil, wherefore,whoso belongeth not to the church of the lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.
    This the universal Catholic church. ll Protestant churches originated from the Catholic church. Therefore, they are man-made. That great church had no authority to preach the gospel on this earth--neither did protestantism, for did not have the authority.Billy Graham and John Hagee are tools of the Israel that was set up in 1948. This gang has nothing to do with Lord.
    Show less


    As an every-day layman with little formal education, i find that Adask law is a God send in sounding off as to society is a composition of numanity caught in a spiritual war—good vs evil. God has given Adask an insiight into a little world, spiritual, that mass humanity is fully unaware of. I’ve been around all walks of civil and political life. This whole sytem is set up on lies and corruption as the legal system is set in place in order to watch over stolen wealth and property from helpless people, of whom live in fear of organized crime, is a mandate in order to labour in the field of civil and legal robbery of the helpless souls depend on God to come to the their aid, when such bastards as mentined rule a nation run by Beezlebub and his family of devils. God bless Adask !

    The biggest threat to Serbia, as to now, and in the past, is the US state department, the International Monetary Fund, the Council on Foreign Relations, the federal reserve, the United Nations Organization, NATO and the World bank. Thank God, Vladimir Putin of Russia has thrown a wrench into America's move into internationalism via making a move into the Crimea. Putin stands like a brick wall. Russian bombers are now flying off the west coast of California. This is within a fifty mile distance from land. These bombers are in international waters. America is absolutely out of control, as counterfeit dollars, fiat money, has seen its day. Since we face a complete collapse, as part of a global depression. NATO is in the hands of pro-Bolshevik gangsters. The pentagon cannot take Russia on the ground. Both sides have nuclear weapons, and fear a head-on collision. The federal reserve will finally close down just as the sixty reserves around the world. China, Germany, Iran, Albania, and several other nations are leaving the gold standard, in fighting the loose fiat moneys. Our total collapse will take place within several months. Our Zionist controlled bastards in congress are preparing for a civil war and have their escape routes planned in advance. The very root and cause of the Putin intrusion into the Crimea was to advert WW111.The rotten bastard, Netanyahu, president of israel, was behind a scheme to start a WW. Lets see what this rat comes up with as Iran and Syria eyeballs this snake's thinking.

    No where in holy writ is it recorded that Christ said any good thing toward his enemies. If so, this would have confused his followers. Our Lord was straight forward in denouncing his social/political opponents as swine, dogs, devils, serpents and Satan’s gang. He never asked his opposition, specifically the pharisees, for nothing, branding them as fools in the service of beezlebub and his family of devils.
    Christ never spoke out of his mouth with a twisted tongue. Our Lord knew that a double-minded man was unstable, spiritually, in all his ways. We must digress momentarily, in noticing that both houses of congress fits this observation. Satan has a middle-path ile between both sides of congress leading straight to the speaker’s podium. I know it is disgusting to even associate this double-minded monsters of devils in the flesh with decent mankind, but i had to parallel that Christ was of a singular-minded individual out of order with the worldly consideration of souls standing in line to serve Satan and his temping to drag innocent souls straight to hell.
    The Jewish Sanhedrin relished in having our Lord nailed to a tree. Our Lord suffered until blood came forth from his body pores. yet, while in excruciating pain he would not ask his enemies for any sort of help. God’s son preferred to do his father’s will, in opposition to a world filled with evil. Yes, our Lord moaned, I thirst, but he did not want to ask God’s enemies for anything. So animals in the flesh were defeated, for our Savior ignored them in that any help from devils in the flesh that were formerly kicked out from the presence of our creator were null and void, as disembodied spirits here on this earth. Satan tried his best to tempt our Lord on the cross with his powers of darkness, but in agony our Lord humbly nourished, a no thanks !

  71. 2
    Mafia of sadistic proportions in calling up spiritual decadence from hell, in spreading phallus worship. Such antisocial whiplashing aristocratic bourgeois masochistically controlling mental and physical slavery this invisible elite with its occultism as a pastime glories in the practice of necrophilism. America has a lethal injection of Bolshevism and its death rattle is clear. Since productive citizens are legally raped through over taxation and robbery by corrupt bank mortgages, raping the dead through necrophia is an elite recognition that these money-hungry bastards happily fall into line with beelzebub and his family of devils in the flesh.From the four-corners of the earth human trash floods our country. Most are professional revolutionaries. These criminals nest in all states. The working force in America are walking the streets in a land built by honest labor. In back of all this is that invisible elite that has no conscious nor collective guilt as legalized criminals. Yes, it Billions for the banksters and debt for the people. In holy writ it reads: no,no, never shall a bastard enter the kingdom of God. Maybe true or not, we have plenty of prisons’ room once the dirty-bastards in
    America are brought to justice.Fifty-state mobs want justice. We do not want a queen Antoinette of 1792 as head of the state Dept. Swelling and mistreated patriotic mobs won't fall for crumbs. This queen was beheaded. We have a nest of vipers in congress that are coiled with the poison of incipient Bolshevism. It is like a poisonous scorpion that can bite itself and
    dies. This administration has opened jaws.

    A pharisee approached Christ in claiming that he ( Pharisee ) was of the seed line of Abraham the patriarch. Christ rebuked this devil in the flesh as a bold-faced liar. This subhuman was persistent that he was of Abrahamic lineage. Christ said: you are not of Abraham's lineage, for your father is the devil and he has murdered all the prophets down through the ages, even killing Zachariah between the wall and the temple. At one time this Pharisee was in the lineage of Abraham, but he had race-mixed into the satanic blood lineage of Esau, God’s worst enemy, into the
    Canaanite blood line. Jacob, Esau’s brother, failed to do so, and our Lord named him Israel. From Mary through her husband, Joseph, the blood line is unpolluted back through Isaac, Abraham , Jacob, Shem, Noah and Seth. There were several nations that were forbidden that Israelites to marry. Today, the mixed lineage of Esau runs through the veins of most rulers of western civilization. These people are known as Edomites. They are God’s enemies. Mongrelism is a crime against God’s decree that mankind must disregard mixing with nations via laws made in the name of liberalism. Liberalism is communism. Communism is Bolshevism, and Bolshevism is an ancient mental disorder of a class hysteria of rogues that actually nailed Christ to a tree. Hollywood is their chief corner stone of sexual perversion, being used to liquidate the various nations of families that comprise America. The ruling elite that control Hollywood are multiple nationalities, that are not an ethnic race or nation. They are contemporary remnants of ancient Esau’s dominion over Palestine immigrating from the four corners of the earth, nomads and vagabonds.

  73. 3
    after strange flesh. King Solomon made this mistake through violating the law racial purity. This is what led to the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. Too, the destruction of Babylonia. In regarding God’s racial laws we see how NATO and the Pentagon are trifling into the affairs of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, the Crimea and Pakistan. Billions of dollars are paying of nations to join in with NATO in its illegal move towards global imperialism. The bottom line is that the serpent raising its head below a 2500 mountain east of the Mediterranean in a city 30 miles from the sea is restless. The serpent seedline is coiled around the Obama,
    netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin, with its tail reaching back to Noah through Ham. Here is where the mystery of iniquity began and rumbles through two great powers with a little bird in hand that chirps and intends to roar like a lion. Satan and his gang is using the oil shortage mythology to revolutionise Third World miscegenation, in order to strengthen the lineage of a counterfeit Israel. Oil is the cannon.
    Some 350 years BC, Alexander the Great, went into Caucasia near the Black Sea. A native by the name Potus resided. Alexander’s troops married into these people, bringing them along their warring venture. Alexander married a lady in India. We might say that this general was then the progenitor of mass racial world-wide influence. In fact, Alex was a tool of finance out of Palestine, to wage destruction on weaker nations. He was the first One Worlder. This man was poisoned through financial oligarchs while in Babylon. He was the head of a serpent with its tail below a mountain that wormed amidst struggling mankind below The place is ancient Canaan where lucifer had ruled through kings. Nothing has changed today.

  74. 3
    after strange flesh. King Solomon made this mistake through violating the law racial purity. This is what led to the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah. Too, the destruction of Babylonia. In regarding God’s racial laws we see how NATO and the Pentagon are trifling into the affairs of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, the Crimea and Pakistan. Billions of dollars are paying of nations to join in with NATO in its illegal move towards global imperialism. The bottom line is that the serpent raising its head below a 2500 mountain east of the Mediterranean in a city 30 miles from the sea is restless. The serpent seedline is coiled around the Obama,
    netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin, with its tail reaching back to Noah through Ham. Here is where the mystery of iniquity began and rumbles through two great powers with a little bird in hand that chirps and intends to roar like a lion. Satan and his gang is using the oil shortage mythology to revolutionise Third World miscegenation, in order to strengthen the lineage of a counterfeit Israel. Oil is the cannon.
    Some 350 years BC, Alexander the Great, went into Caucasia near the Black Sea. A native by the name Potus resided. Alexander’s troops married into these people, bringing them along their warring venture. Alexander married a lady in India. We might say that this general was then the progenitor of mass racial world-wide influence. In fact, Alex was a tool of finance out of Palestine, to wage destruction on weaker nations. He was the first One Worlder. This man was poisoned through financial oligarchs while in Babylon. He was the head of a serpent with its tail below a mountain that wormed amidst struggling mankind below The place is ancient Canaan where lucifer had ruled through kings. Nothing has changed today.

  75. Four
    The hunger avoided, as mutual souls, pick-pocketed the poor and helpless. Time was passed begging, drunkenness, panhandling, alley-trolling, and fondling garbage containers. Slick would skin his clients from head to toe, while Hamma reversed the act of robbery, from toe to head. This this sort of legal gangsterism is a byproduct in the name of the National Lawyer’s Guild operates every manner of plundering our national society. These shysters never miss an opportunity in milking hopeless people down, for they say, “ shoot low fellow shyster, for some jerks may be riding shetland ponies”. Slick and Hammerhead edged their way into both previously bought and paid for political parties. One party is a whore and the other a prostitute. Immediately, Slick and Hammer were political whores nesting in between a two-party confederation of inhouse fornication, as masters of deception, in the hands of Beelzebub and his family of devils. Indeed, a specialised confederation of professionally designed dirty bastards, in selling America short. From whence they came is assured.

    I had been talking with a professor of economics. Having little education myself, i asked him what really was economics. He replied. With me it puts bread and whiskey on my table. This startled me, for this individual was a pillar of the university where he taught. Asked him about the national economy and he replied. Tax all the whore houses in Washington, for the last fifty years and our national debt could be paid off. This made me angry, because he knew that i was ignorant.
    Generally, i look up to educated people. I asked him was he Jewish. He replied: I am a gypsy from Romania and sent here on a visa. ( whatever that is ). I always thought that gypsies were Jews, because our Lord, not a ghetto expert, Christ, through a prophet, let them go into Egypt to beat the famine in Canaan. They were cursed by God for doing so, in that them and their seed would never set foot in Egypt again. This site dislikes the chosen people, but what about the Gypsies. Since we have had several Jews in the White House why are you folks down on the Gypsies. We are all equal according to social engineering, why not shove a Romanian into the White House or the state Dept. Hillary Clinton could then give good advice, as how to screw up foreign affairs. We need new blood on capital hill. What do you folks think about this?

  77. Two
    Democratic and Republican In-party perjury is pronounced, for sure, when the black-mailed late President Woodrow Wilson was shoveled into office in 1917. Outwardly, his machine was inclined to unravel with foreign affairs. But lo and behold, the optom for Zionism was greased lightning.
    The Chief Justice of the supreme court compelled Wilson to lay his left-hand upon the Old Testament. The right-hand was raised aloft. This act clearly demonstrates that the Israeli Sanhedrin really controlled our national judiciary system. This Wilson was a master-liar and mass-murderer, that agreed to make war on Germany causing the youth blood, the flower of America, to be spilled on alien soil. Sworn in via perjury, this schizophrenic induced personality, with Satanic confederation, to obey London’s Lord Balfour’s declaration, that was to set up counterfeit Israel in 1948. This act was put into force by global Zionism. The result consummated WWl.

  78. Three
    The high treason was not far-fetched, for we have had two traitors, unelected Presidents, Harry solomon Truman and a Mr. L.B. Johnson. Both of these pro- socialist confidants betrayed this republic -- two different manners. Truman betrayed a country while Johnson betrayed a nation. And how did these two political swindlers commit perjury, in being sworn in, in the name of God. SIMPLE: they were agents of a master-minded international network of communist gangsters. The Council on Foreign relations interveined.
    Both of these pro- confidants of dishonesty put Jesus down and delivered our republic into the vials of Bolshevism, betrayed in two different manners.

  79. Five
    Correspondingly, Alien spies such as Alger Hiss, Russian spy, and Harry Dexter White, Russian agent, Worked tirelessly with Harry Hopkins, through Truman, in betraying a country while L.B. Johnson betrayed a nation. And ln what manner did these two political swindlers commit perjury in being sworn in to coy to a network of communist gangsters. Truman betrayed a country while Johnson betrayed a nation. And how did these two political swindlers commit perjury in being sworn in, in the name of God. SIMPLE: they were agents of a master-minded international network of communist gangsters. Truman in the palms of an elite Russian communist oriented aristocracy, forced Truman to atomic bomb two defenceless cities within Japan, composing of women and children. This criminal act completely destroyed America’s fate, as to isolationism. Our governing body now pursues imperialism, as propelled forward in the hands of NATO versus Russia.israelisrael confidents

    Nevertheless of presidential misconduct, the matter of perjury is weighed against two naive characters, by way of sworn oath that a specific gang of people were of Jewish ancestry. Laying hands on the Old Testament solidified this artificial presumption.

  80. Two
    Democratic and Republican In-party perjury is pronounced, for sure, when the black-mailed late President Woodrow Wilson was shoveled into office in 1917. Outwardly, his machine was inclined to unravel with foreign affairs. But lo and behold, the optom for Zionism was greased lightning.

    The Chief Justice of the supreme court compelled Wilson to lay his left-hand upon the Old Testament. The right-hand was raised aloft. This act clearly demonstrates that the Israeli Sanhedrin really controlled our national judiciary system. This Wilson was a master-liar and mass-murderer, that agreed to make war on Germany causing the youth blood, the flower of America, to be spilled on alien soil. Sworn in via perjury, this schizophrenic induced personality, with Satanic confederation, to obey London’s Lord Balfour’s declaration, that was to set up counterfeit Israel in 1948. This act was put into force by global Zionism. The result consummated WWl.

    The high treason was not far-fetched, for we have had two traitors, unelected Presidents, Harry solomon Truman and a Mr. L.B. Johnson. Both of these pro- socialist confidants betrayed this republic — two different manners. Truman betrayed a country while Johnson betrayed a nation. And how did these two political swindlers commit perjury, in being sworn in, in the name of God. SIMPLE: they were agents of a master-minded international network of communist gangsters. The Council on Foreign relations interveined.

    Both of these pro- confidants of dishonesty put Jesus down and delivered our republic into the vials of Bolshevism, betrayed in two different manners. And how did these two political swindlers commit perjury in being sworn in, in the name of God. SIMPLE: they were agents of a master-minded international network of communist gangsters.

  81. Three
    Correspondingly, Alien spies such as Alger Hiss, Russian spy, and Harry Dexter White, Russian agent, Worked tirelessly with Harry Hopkins, through Truman, in betraying a country while L.B. Johnson betrayed a nation. And ln what manner did these two political swindlers commit perjury in being sworn in to coy to a network of communist gangsters. Truman betrayed a country while Johnson betrayed a nation. And how did these two political swindlers commit perjury in being sworn in, in the name of God. SIMPLE: they were agents of a master-minded international network of communist gangsters. Truman in the palms of an elite Russian communist oriented aristocracy, forced Truman to atomic bomb two defenceless cities within Japan, composing of women and children. This criminal act completely destroyed America’s fate, as to isolationism. Our governing body now pursues imperialism, as propelled forward in the hands of NATO versus Russia.israelisrael confidents

    Nevertheless of presidential misconduct, the matter of perjury is weighed against two naive characters, by way of sworn oath that a specific gang of people were of Jewish ancestry. Laying hands on the Old Testament solidified this artificial presumption.

    Their sworn word before God was a broad-faced lie. It was Bolshevism over capital. Leon Trotsky, a Jew by coincidence, in his narrow biography, ( Leon Trotsky ). Trotsky was in alliance with I.V. Lenin and Joseph Stalin in the 1917 communist overthrow of Christian Russia. Trotsky absolutely declares that there is positively no ethnic nation or ethnic race of people known as Jews. Trotsky was an internationally known revolutionary communist. The phony Jews of Russia murdered him in Mexico in 1939. Trotsky is the horse’s mouth.

    This band of mixed ancestry took over Palestine seven hundred BC and opted to be called Judeans. Backing up Trotsky is bonafide in that the word Jew did not appear in world literature until after the American Revolution. From Teddy Roosevelt until the present era. Its one presidential liar on the other, all fronted for a counterfeit class of people that have never been a nation. L.B. Johnson betrayed God’s chosen lineage while in congress. He revolutionised mother nature in that the royal seed line is now a rainbow coalition. Yes, organized confusion and perjury is the game.


    “I struggled to run against the wind in the middle of the street . . . We . . . couldn’t go on across . . . because the asphalt had melted. There were people on the roadway, some already dead, some still lying alive but stuck in the asphalt. . . . They were on their hands and knees screaming.” ~19-year-old Kate Hoffmeister
    “There were people down there being fried to death in melted asphalt in the roads, they were being burnt up and we were shuffling incendiary bombs into this holocaust. I felt terribly sorry for the people in that fire I was helping to stoke up.” ~RAF Crewman
    This was Dresdan in 1945. Angles in Heaven most likely wept to watch women and children driven into melted ashpalt as the Royal Air force of England under Bomber Harris worked with
    the agents of Satan in slaughtering Chrstian people. America is next in line. Communisim is a deadly game.

  83. Two
    states and alien cooperatives. The very root of this is progressive communism. To maintain this opponent of free capitalism national government must appear to be somew Chat destabalized. The fraudulent concept of in-house terror ( congress ), a masive police-state must be maintained. Conceptionally, we have a gang in office of whom rule in accordance with the Marxian, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin anti-social engineering. Red Russia under Putin has been destroyed. This machine has found roots within the present frame-work as housed within Washinton, D.C.
    Bastards come and go but their gut feeling is supreme in supporting socialism because of spiritual conglemerations and oaths to maintain bloodline relations in reorganizing western civilization upon the Oriental religious functionaries--mainly the Near East. Here the benchmark of America’s NATO moves illegally as a usurper of alien lan

  84. republic. Out of respect we drag up Harry S. Truman. This mad-man depended on Joseph Stalin to Stt enform him ( Harry ) as to what the war was all about. Naturally, it didn’t take long to convert Truman to become a sycophant in hock to Near East affairs. This rougue was surrounded by top Russian spies and begged God for a future commie run United Nations Organization. This machine is to become a World State police
    power. It is now backing the illegality of NATO in its global imperialistic crawfish design to gobble up helpless nations into a Satanic desire for internationalism. The unrecognized and invisible source is Zionism. The state of Israel opposes
    Zionism on the point that racial ties between zionists and Israelites are questionable. The rub here is that President Netanyahu is a stand-in-between.
    Unqustionably, we have a backlogue shreading back to Teddy. The merrit of all is a mysterious ineluctable determinism that drives a wedge between Arabia and Israel. To pro-logue this situation Netanyahu becomes devided as to hisis continue in office. The Sanhedren ( supreme court ) is mum. Not sure of with himself, only a war between Israel and Iran will he retain his position. His input with the state Dept and congress is impressive. President Putin threw a wrench into the Crimean affair and foiled Netanyahu’s political iniquity. What the great powers planned by NATO in 1945 has a bitter end for three-gangsters that fronted for a network of invisible global banksters to further their path into a universal government. The end game in keeping the Jewish state and the Arabian nation through racial intagonation via the oil situation has seen its days. Netanyahu’s Mossad and secret police are experts in cruelty. Thus Israel has a police state. Considering the tomorrow of America is difficult. We have criminals as rulers. Too, a police state backed by HLS, FEMA SWAT, and militarilly armed police forces across America.


    Eisenhower’s death camps west of the Rhine were hundreds of thousands of christian men, children and women. Encaged by barbed wire in open weather without food or water this son of a bitch made his mark as a mad-man. While he slept with a slut, Faye summersby. This low-down bastard aided in the death of hundreds of white people in Dresden. This was known as fire bombing. This scoundrel was in full dimentia as president and no lady in the White House was safe around him. How in the world did this dog ever had been born. America is now raising a race of yellow-bellied worms instead of men. I detest a coward that will not protect his family. No race of cowards has ever elevated unto a christian civilization. The holocaust bunch can go straight to hell on my part. let the dead sleep.

    Phallus worship is Satan's chief weapon against total morality of western civilization. When Adam and Eve had their eyes opened via taking of the tree of knowledge, Satan then stepped forward with his plan, for the struggle against God's chosen children. If this recognition is only a small part of the demon seed, then what makes you wonder so much about it. This in itself, causes you to ridicule another, for your subconscious harbors repressions, fixation, as the theme of sexual perversity preys so subtly, as entertainment through out our nation, as intertwined with our every-day life, in the name of
    freedom of speech. Yes, phallus worship is a deadly menace being ingrained into the soul of every child in America. For you, a good start would to look at the Washington Monument. Satan's work is in the fore thought of perversion,as one gases at this work of Satan.

    The West and the East has created a great divide of various political infatuations, as fronts for trade and subversive activities and, of which, both sides of two oceans clash, as to whether democracy should mop up and unite Third World nations under an alien political doctrine, democracy, that has no merits into the social nor religious regimentation that reaches back into ancient civilizations in the past.What we have today would have driven Machiavelli out of his mind. NATO is the bridesmaid that has suffered a premature miscarriage through its illegal alliance with bought and paid for allied dictatorial setups to invade the Ukraine. President Putin of Russia pulled a fast one via entering the Crimea. One must watch the chess board of Eastern Europe since Putin might come up with an abortion.
    George Soros, business magnate, harbors a classical option that communism is to slowly reverse its incipient mold in Eastern Europe into the approaching social machinery of capitalism. This professional entrepreneur and philanthropist does not make it clear–raw capitalism or interest capitalism. Soros had George Bush in his side-pocket, in that Bush was a master tool in the hands of a futuristic police state –pro-communist rule of America. Bush was the lousiest bastard of an American president that has ever existed. Soros hated him for Bush, father and son, brought on total political wreckage in dividing West against East. And now, the gang in national office have thought up various names among the Islamic world as America’s enemies. All-in-all, this melts down to Israel vs the Islamic global movement. Gangsters in the state department like John Kerry push for political demagoguery in line with interest capitalism, thus the national economy is locked into the jaws of federal reserves ties with the Bank of England. The master key to unlock America’s grip via foreign affairs is to vacate Eastern entanglements and to bring all troops home.

  88. Two
    Wall Street illicit investors are in collusion with Israel’s President Netanyahu.The only way out for the state of Israel is to run Netanyahu and his gang out of office. Israel is pushed into a corner and its autocratic government must have a third world war to survive. In the hands of commie infested NATO bankers fell in line to become imperialistic, but Putrin stalled off this illegal instrument awaiting in the wings in the shadow of incipient Bolshevism. John Kerry and George Soros have the same idealistic illusion that liberalism is to replace pseudo democracy. We cannot have peace and prosperity within America when it is realised that such social reconstructing comes from the Near East. Things melt down to two basic avenues of basic intelligence–religion and geopolitics. Was soros thinking of the past as I.V. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin? This man is a master of intellectual quantity with a strange philosophy in that I’ve got mine–you go get yours. Liberalism is Karl Marx’s basic idealism to uproot both raw and interest capitalism. George Soros is an in-between meddler gifted with Platonic insight. Putin has an international arrest warrant on Soros. He has found a fly in the refurbished Christian Russia. Hungary has denounced the controlling banksters along with the Petro dollar. Soros is a billionaire. Does he hold petro dollars or gold bars. Our U.S. Treasury has failed to return gold to several foreign governments. There must be a reason.
    Obviously, Illicit investors through global exchanges, reserves, are closing shop. The Petrodollar is worthless. Money suppliers such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have been robbing and stealing from foreign nations. They loan out money that has no backing with gold or collateral. Many CEOS are committing suicide. The upshot of it all is to discontinue bribing Saudi Arabia caliphates and back off from controlling oil prices. Let Opec have its way and the market will adjust itself. If Soros rejects democracy in any manner, then our commie-run state should quit making enemies within the foreign Islam and Mohammed states. Netanyahu is the noise-maker for a WW in the interest of global Zionism. Brings disunity to state of Israel. Attempting to dissociate Netanyahu from Zionism is like attempting separate Jesuitism from the Vatican. To loosen the grip of congressional ties to universal socialism is like separating a buzzard from a dead carcass. It all tallies up to religion and geopolitics. Our republic is doomed in not recognizing the enemy within. Bolshevism is a deadly disease and the major threat seated down within our national institution,

  89. Putin has gained more power of global influence with his alliance with the Vatican. His orthodox Russia is unified and stronger in the Asian and Oriental adversities of the West. The state of Israel is on its last leg as a world-squatter state. Netenyahu needs a WW to save his counterfeit state as sat up in 1948. Putin slowed this scheme down via invading the Crimea. Both West and East fear a Nuclear war.It melts down to who will back down. Israel is just a by-standing pip-squeak now. Obama has gotten scared and back off on Iran. This is Israel's appointed enemy. And now, Obama is up against a wall. Commies in congress have lost controll. These dirty bastards would crucify Christ again in ofrer to serve lucifer and gang now runnung the whole show in America. Putin hates their guts. And they are are afraid of a real man.

  90. The San Hedrin allied with the banks. The Temple held money and other prescious property stolen from people. Prostitution was rampant and priestcraft was tied to political whoredom. Stephen and Christ revealed rhe tie between bank / Temple scheme, in that stolen temple moneys received high interest rates. For tampering with the gold in the temple, both stephen and Christ were put to death. It is the same today. Dirty low-down bastards preach Christ on one hand and communism on the orher. Of course, the IRS looks out for such self-serving infdels via free-tax subsidies and political clout. America has been overthrown. The real show down will come when agents of rule such as police and leading citizens will be shot down and publically hanged. Communism is a deadly game and a mass mental disorder. This very hysterical dementia ( mongrels ) lives in fear. Jesus never worried over such dehumanized trash. He knows His sheep and His sheep know him. Only the ignorant, super ignorant and the ulterior ignorant follow the blind way of this world. Christ is of an unpolutted lineage. Mongrels hate this and more or less given to mob violance.

    P.S. Bastard is not a curse word. It means to be variant in its usuage here.

  91. Bertharina Rina 1 second ago
    Why is it that so many dirty bastards fit into secret societies. It is a well established fact that sexual perversion with children is a major factor of individual compliance. Eating human flesh and drinking blood is a psychological lust and furthered in practicing necrophilia. We find these scoundrels as invisible bloodhounds lusting near children's homes and private clubs. Their plan is to push some slut as head of state. This collection of anti-social miscreants has ties all over Europe. Child molestation is rampart in all elite ruling classes of fifty states. If not, most keep their jobs by way of ignoring such devils coming out of the lowest realm of hell. This ugly situation steer both political parties as a mere circus to blind Christians in enjoying our national touring industry. All children are in the depraved eyes of these royal sons of bitches.

    Question? Who is behind the war on little children within America. Further, are such scoundrels imported or run out of other countries.? If not, this meanice is spreading and has become a nightmare to such of an extent that mothers have no protection. It’s true, that child molestation touches practically every state and reaching higher into national government. There is a world-wide nest of elite untouchables that has a covenate with Beezlebub and his family of devils. This machine of masochistic leanings towards canabalism along with necrophilia and feasting on children’s blood has a bloodline into the days of Noah. Their secret society was known as MASTER MAHON. Indeed, our political machines cover for such low-life sons-of-bitches. This is because of secret-societies tying in with national government. Generally, politicians are political whores in hock to their master of ceremonies. Proclaimed wars and sexual masochism is a small group that controls the thinking of western civilization. An un-conscious gluttony for money and sexual perversion is a fixed rule of law.
    It is an established fact that this identical situation existed in Christ’s day. In fact, Asian and eastern-world oriental fundamentalism practiced and compromised in the same arts traced back to Master MAHON. On both sides of this globe the blood line of ancient Esau is traced into every politically devised ruling element. The art in sustaining the evil of child abusement is to allow religious freedom. Yes, indeed, devious political whoredom is sustained in brainwashing simpletons to accept instruction from Satan’s chaldrum that all men are equal. Intelligence is the glory of God. Mother nature has no regard for any human-being.
    Nevertheless, names do change but, mental retaliation, retardation, through child-snatching will gather up victims, while the national news-media and Hollywood fashions its mold upon sexual perversity. Of course, people must beat out a living, and must be enslaved to money-lords to do the will of devils in the flesh who harbor no conscious. This of the gand that nailed the Son of god to a tree. pasychiartrist will agree that the perpertraitors of this criminal act had brought to light concealed, repressed sexual perverson being released through an masochistic act of crucifiction. Apparently, the scoundrels behind such sub-humanity more than likely gloried in artificial sexual excitement through planned masochism.
    And now, just as King Herod had done, children are being kidnapped by the thousands all through America. Behind this is that mentioned global elite class of whom practice in the black-market of dealing in children. This small cliche has imbedded clients as child-snatchers of all fifty-states. If not, than no politician will speak out for phallus worshipers rule America. Long before Christ child-snatchers in South America were tied in with the GADDIANTON ROBBERS. Today, there are numerous secret and subversive organizations tied in with pseudo-religious organizations. Since all receive monetary freebies from the IRS, the rustling of children will be carried on. Allen Dulles, in his autobiography mentions the fact of disppearing children. Dulles was the most out standing Secretary of State that ever existed. He had no use for communism. Communism makes war on children. NO child of any race is safe on the streets of America. They could be kidnapped! Mothers, there is a shame upon all men who will not speak out against the crimes against children.


    SHERRY SHRINER REBLOGG There are several deceptions in the churches today and one of the most dominant is that Zionism is of the Lord, Zionism means Israel, and we are to protect Israel because those who bless Israel are blessed by the Lord, and those who curse Israel are cursed by the Lord. His words about blessing and cursing Israel are very true, but who is Israel? Is Zionism Israel today? Most Christians hear the word Zionism and think of Jerusalem. And it was a clever ploy of those who worship Satan to confuse the terminology of their political agendas to lull the people to sleep and get them to agree to their policies because they sound good. Zionism is a political agenda, but when Christians hear it they think of Biblical Zion and Jerusalem. Zionism became a political agenda of the Bolshevik Illuminati to capture the area of Israel for the Antichrist. In fact, their agenda is to rule the world from Jerusalem. When the Battle of Armageddon takes place the Antichrist gathers all the world’s armies to Israel to fight against the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. At that time, the Antichrist is ruling from Jerusalem. The agenda started back when the Edomite Bolshevik Jews financed Hitler’s rise to power in Germany to set up the conditions to establish their own Nation of Israel for Illuminati rule and that is exactly what happened with the Nazi Holocaust. Who was behind the holocaust? The Edomite Jews. Why? Because they wanted to get rid of the Torah believing Jews and establish a Babylonian Talmudic Jewish nation in Israel. And that is what we have today with Zionism. Talmudic Jews ruling, pushing the agenda of the New World Order and Illuminati to set the nation up for the rule of the Antichrist. Edomite Jews are not real bloodline Jews. In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 Yahweh says that there are those claiming to be Jews, but are not Jews, and are liars. They are the church of Satan, the synagogue of Satan and are worshippers and followers of him. And what are they doing today? Conquering the world for the Antichrist to rule from Jerusalem. In every nation, in every major event, the Edomite Jews have been behind it. Although the Edomite Jews dominate Israel today there are a remnant of real bloodline Jews there as well. These are the ones the Lord will protect during the Great Tribulation. Look at America today, who is running the White House? The Edomite Jews and Sons of Cain. Who was arrested for treason during WW 2 by Congress for trading with the enemy? Prescott Bush. Who announced the formation of the NWO in America? His son, George Bush, Sr. Who is president of America today? George Bush, Jr. What do the Bush’s have in common with Edomit

  94. Two SHERRY

    Edomite Jews? They are all part of the serpent seedline of the Illuminati.

    The Illuminati are at the top of two particular races of people known as the Edomite Jews and the Sons of Cain. And it goes all the way to the top where the Illuminati rule directly beneath the Jesuits. The Jesuits answer directly to the Black Pope. The Black Pope position is the real power position in the Vatican as opposed to the “white” pope position. Most think it is the Pope, John Paul II who rules from the Vatican. He may reside there, but the real power in the Vatican is hidden, and it’s in the position known as the Black Pope. Black meaning hidden or secret. Today, Hans Van Kolvenbach, holds the title of the Black Pope. And he is second to none on this earth in establishing Satan’s rise to power. He is literally Satan’s right hand man.

    So what do we have today? The false Jews in Israel being called real Jews. And the real “Jews” not even knowing who they are. We are being led to believe by the churches today that Satan’s chosen are Yahweh’s chosen people. Now are you ready to scream?

    Orthodox, Reformed, and Messianic Jews disown the Jews running Zionism in Israel today. Not only are they Edomite Jews, but they are also known as the Khazar Jews as well. In 692 A.D. the Khazar Kingdom was established.

    These were people that had adopted Judaism as their official religion because of the real Jews that lived among them and proseletyzed them. From that point on they passed themselves off as real Jews with a right to Palestine as their homeland. They are not lovers of Yahweh but haters of Him. They are of the same ancestry of Esau whom the Lord hated. The offspring of serpents of whom the Lord told them straight out were of “their father the devil.” It was those of this seedline that instigated His crucifixion.

    Yes, indeed, an apparition of total defeat faces our Grand Old Republic. The will to survive from commie gangsterism in national government has collectively and politically drummed down a nation into a submissive nihilistic state. Shamefully, Marxian induced revolutionaries have absolute control over the spiritual and military machine, now in the hands of pro-international Bolsheviki operators, nesting within the State Dept. Council on Foreign Relations, supreme court bench, federal reserve, treasury Dept., Wall Street, The national Educational Association, The United Nations Organizations, federal bureau of investigation,, halls of congress, both political parties, etc; etc. This gang’s hand-made sabre is NATO, gun-powder, stinger rockets and drones. Of course, mountains of communist influenced religious congregations rest-well in a zone of misapprehension in that Lucifer works in mysterious ways. Rule by devision is the Commie game of Russian roulette. In breaking from this aggregated political system of bastery at large is to stand and not retreat in comprehending the enemy within.
    Several years past, a pro-commie congressman spoke nationwide via national television. Drunken with self-hatred, this scoundrel screamed the we have the---on the run; let’s keep him on the run. This human wreck of a man was Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. From that era onward, a nation erupted into self-defeat. Organized societies became un-settled as an implosion of individuality had a melt-down. Individuality had become an old hat. Individual man was nothing, roaming mobs become collectivised, becoming a potter’s clay being molded into the clutches of communist party USA. There was no place to run or hide, from global proletarianism and mental slavery. Several state’s leadership considered withdrawing from confederated structure into sovereign goverment.
    With no place to run, or hide, various state’s ruling elites fell into the trap of progressive ignominy. This is not a more-or-less presumption, that several states' ( citizens ), are nurturing the idea to actually secede from the Union. Fantisizing through political optimal delusion at that time now fits national society today. America has been hog-tied and bound to a nest of universal financial engineers in creating a One World scheme, fronting for an invisable religious empire, as the root of Western civilizations break off from Asian and Oriental infusion, of religious philosophy designed to band the name of

    Jesus Christ from the grounds of our republican way of life. Under this type of political rule,
    I.V. Lenin, Karl Marx, Fredrick Engles and Joseph Stalin slaughtered millions. This what is going to happen in Ameica.
    Thundering across plains, mountains, and
    valleys, the thoughts of man looses his way in order to triumph over a
    Republic, not mother nature, but imbalanced reasoning. This is an act
    of self-delusion; for truncating from a higher state of existence back
    into social intemperance, an aggression against organized civilization.
    In consideration, secession of state from ( federalism ) massive
    anxiety becomes an actual congealing point, thus individual
    self-contempt becomes part and party group compliance. This un-matched
    boiling insanity, will more than likely, incite mob-rule, or individual
    repressions, of earlier political oppressions. Thus un-matched
    collecitvised guilt becomes a massive neurosis--victims of ( The
    personality Suppression Complex Syndrome). This sort of thinking, if carried out, becomes a loose-cannon of which will self-destruct vitims involve

  96. +Bertharina Rina This is very very powerful! All people need to read this! You are such a gifted writer that God has inspired me to urge you to write articles and have them published where everyone can read them! A book would be a great thing for you to do but, not enough people read books and with all the books out there it is almost redundant and useless at this point! Your works need to be accessible to the masses. Those who would be awakened by the sparks contained in these words of truth and sobriety. This is the reality we are in and people must realize it has been brewing now for many decades.They must also realize that we are NOW frogs boiling in water"! Americans need to LEARN from this and see where and how they went wrong. They need to understand that every move they have made has been booby trapped ,rigged and altered for them to unknowingly cause the disease in their nation to flourish. They need to realize that their mortgage money and savings have been used against their nation's security and ability to thrive. They need to realize where their tax dollars have been going for the past 100 or so years. They need to wake up and realize just how serious this is! Most of all they need to realize how badly they have been manipulated and engineered psychologically! Sometimes I believe God will allow things to get so bad in order for people to learn.THIS is a most stubborn generation and I'm afraid that these people are going to have to suffer badly in order to ever gain focus and character! You are being a true Christian by sharing your gifts of insight,wisdom and truth! I have been ashamed of so many of associations including the Christian ones for acting as though God is going to wave his arm like superman and part the sea for them so they can continue their selfish childish thinking and NEVER LEARN WHY THIS IS HAPPENING OR LEARN HOW THEY CAN HELP MAINTAIN FREEDOM IN THEIR NATION THAT THEY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT TO BEGIN WITH! They act as though this place is just a meaningless stage that is going to be wreckage! They take it for granted and stand by and let "the devil" devour it like a vulture! To me they are no different than the non-Christians who gave up into drugs! That is no definition or example of faith in my book! It looks to me LIKE THE SAVED NEED TO BE SAVED!
    Reblogged from Wiseoldowl


    You have a tremendous comprehension on both sides of the isle.With level of limited education I can recognize intellectual honesty.
    All the folks within this site would really have a let down if you were leave them, and hanging loose. I don't care if u drop my comments completely, for its critical that follow your instincts in the love of truth. There is an old maxim: familiarity breeds contempt.) This can take place within your site. The scriptures warn: never trust in the arm of flesh). Osteen,
    Graham, Hagee, Hinn; for Satan has them in his yoke of monetary bondage. I do not condemn them; for maybe they know no better, but, as to the mobs with itching ears, all are led to the slaughter like driven lamb.
    The late Winston Churchill, England's Prime Minister during WW11 often pondered: one must get to the bottoms lord root of the matter). Attuned to this consideration, one must break the back of a national empire of religions, and their folly of falling into the trap of the world of materialism. The present administration in office has reversed Churchill's pondering, and has the matter of political gangsterism nailed down as the root, while the matter of congressional intuition as public officialdom, pigeon holes any matter of which constituents seek redress.

    Living heroes do not die, they just fade away. well, if not deseased, now and then one might stick around. And this is America’s national news media’s hang-up. This gang of anchored down pinheaded clowns, claiming to harbor a hang-up on a professional agitator, that has literally parasited off of uncle sam, from the day of birth. Oh, sure, we have a heroe among us, and well groomed for years under the Tax-payer’s coat-tails. But, is this Presidential material? If hugging up on Netanyahu carries weight, it would be possible, but this pro Zionist agent ( a thorn of Zionism ), is of alien intrusion from Asia. Palistinieans deplore imported Zionism into its territory. Well, Netanyahu has his ( heroe )
    fully charged in maintaining a Congressional seat. Naturally, this political prostitute would love to climb higher, however, the need is to skirt non-heroes is clear. This is one lead balloon that will not fly. America does not need another world war. Maybe this heroe should find a decent life of privacy.

    Living heroes do not die, they just fade away. well, if not deseased, now and then one might stick around. And this is America’s national news media’s hang-up. This gang of anchored down pinheaded clowns, claiming to harbor a hang-up on a professional agitator, that has literally parasited off of uncle sam, from the day of birth. Oh, sure, we have a heroe among us, and well groomed for years under the Tax-payer’s coat-tails. But, is this Presidential material? If hugging up on Netanyahu carries weight, it would be possible, but this pro Zionist agent ( a thorn of Zionism ), is of alien intrusion from Asia. Palistinieans deplore imported Zionism into its territory. Well, Netanyahu has his ( heroe )
    fully charged in maintaining a Congressional seat. Naturally, this political prostitute would love to climb higher, however, the need is to skirt non-heroes is clear. This is one lead balloon that will not fly. America does not need another world war. Maybe this heroe should find a decent life of privacy.

    Recently, over twenty million souls were soft-soated into an electronic transmission to become temporarily mentally crippled. Ten individuals stood shoulder to shoulder, just as bowling balls are set for an approaching object. However, nothing of political value rolled forth from the jaws of nine candidates for the presidency. It is the same old story, dazzle proposed constituents with brilliance, or baffle them with B---S---. One individual drifted from this staged dung-hill to stand alone. Nine political rustlers still held their collective bull by its horn. These soft-shoe blockheads were upstarts and climbers. This circus did not come forth with any objective view, in wrestling America from the jaws of national liberalism.
    In fact, it was a holiday for clowns.
    Peradventure, nine individuals were wired and scripted context. But one stood alone; as the thought of Andrew Jackson of the Civil War era, stood like a brick wall. General Lee made this statement. The possibility of another Jackson, or Patton has been discovered. Donald Trump stands tall before all Americans, while this lone individual has lain bare his political war chest, in rescuing our American Republic of which is in the hands of an elite ruling class of universal communist gangsters.

    Methinks that the mastermind behind Patton’s assassination was the work of Eisenhower, not Truman. There was no love lost between Patton and MacArthhur, Of course, Truman didn’t rate MacArthur too highly, either.
    Truman had asked Eisenhower to run for president as a Democrat. Eisenhower then ran as a Republican. Truman felt betrayed. Their animosity boiled over at Eisenhower’s Presidential inauguration, when Eisenhower refused to get out of the car to meet Truman, and Truman refused to come out and meet Eisenhower.
    Eisenhower knew that Patton knew too much about his continual pandering to the British. Patton’s hands were repeatedly tied by Supreme Command while Montgomery received support at the 7th Army’s and 3rd Armiy’s expense.
    Patton also knew that the war could have been brought to an earlier conclusion, had it not been for Ike’s pandering caused by his political ambitions. Of course, Patton readily recognized that the conclusion of WWll was simply setting the stage for our conflicts with the Russians. Eisenhower needed Patton out.
    “Eisenhower 1952 Birth-Certificate Fraud Revealed,” (Nov. 30, 2009, Don Nicoloff, Direct Light Productions), I introduced a 1952 Denison, TX newspaper article which disclosed a birth-certificate scandal surrounding the presidential campaign of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Followup genealogical research revealed that Eisenhower was not and could not have been born in the U.S., primarily because of conflicting evidence provided to INS officials at Ellis Island on September 27, 1924 and the subsequent analysis of biographical accounts and fraudulent U.S. Centennial Census records. Eisenhower’s ‘American’ relatives were determined to be fictional characters whose intransitive existence made his “American birth” a virtual impossibility.
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Birth Certificates
    Wednesday, April 28, 2010
    By Don Nicoloff
    April 28, 2010

  102. BLOGGED
    ( Bewiseowls )
    Yes, a gifted personality comes forward with warning
    I have been studying your letter. I see what you are getting at. We are living in a complete false maze of deception. we are being put to the test, Many people have been lulled to sleep as preparation for these days! Thank God for those who remained awake and thought strategically. There is much to learn about the history of religion,it's origins and stems.If the country was not founded on Christianity then we know that the founders (or some of them) were breakaway renegade freemasons who understood how evil imperialism was. It would be easy to make this conjecture by seeing how the constitution was written. It can resemble christian morality quite well! Aside from telling this fib to a nation of tax paying Catholics and Christians of all denominations! There is much to be sorted out.Either be the case it needs to be re founded on those principals all over again! We are in this world and we are not all the same. This is how it must be in order for us to learn ,grow a fine line that brings us together as we are all human with human needs.Maybe I am not correct but the older I get I see religious belief as a personal thing and not something to fight over! I guess I am more for fixing America, as religion has been deceitfully used as a distraction by the elite to divide and destroy our nation and not make it stronger.. And I say to people is that what God wants? Did Jesus Christ teach us to let whatever blessing America has been be turned over to satan as people turn their attention to religion and wait for the world to end? Absolutely not. Right? As for me ,I fell for that in the past and now I am seeing more clearly. Truth and reality of that truth are what we need to wake up to at the wheel! people not waking are not with God in any religion as far as I am concerned. You are right .It's time to wake up! we have false government that sells us as monetary property while we think we are going to Heaven on a cloud! How rediculous and pathetic we have gotten!
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  103. +Bertharina Rina
    You were born in a good generation rearing characters that are the best we have ever seen and more than likely will ever see again! The bankers were beginning to beat people into the submission of money with the depression. Not realizing that God taught many people such as yourself that money cannot buy happiness!.The bankers didn't count on that one. In their screwed up reality "who" could be happy with little? Afterward people began falling for it as people began to change toward banker mindsets.Being born in the early 60's I grew up at least knowing the difference (thanks to those born in the twenties I was lucky enough to have around me) so I witnessed them turning America slowly,but rapidly enough into "Pottersville" Like in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life". A Bedford Falls where people fend together and families stay together is not profitable for them..The bankers have taught money to be a replacement for all of God's blessings,such as each other. When trouble arises the banker is there to create revenue from it! ." Life is too short to be poor." "Working alone doesn't yield enough!" "Demand higher CREDIT!" look successful ,lie to yourself and your friends! success can come with a signature!. As the bankers spread their poisonous logic to a populace that has been conditioned to believe "being poor",having "less" and living within means is a CRIME! ..I also had a trial,and by the hand of our corporate fascist banking system involving a family member that would not listen despite my pleadings and warnings.The end result was suicide. I stood alone as well while everyone else involved just weighed the whole situation "through they eyes of "money" ,defending the banks and the tax system,as though these thieves fought the Revolution for them! When I said it like it really was with these banks some family members actually called me a "communist". It was then that I realized just how bad it had gotten knowing there are citizens of this nation that believes the enemy to be their blessed government! I mean that is really BAD. Choosing "that" over their own family member? who assumed the debt and tried to make good? I got a good look at "ROT" right in the face! I had a good long time to study rot's face with every line,wart,and detail! That is what I see when I walk outside a bank and hear corporations advertisements! I saw it coming,this corruption.and with that history I am more than willing to sting them all with the truth until they keel over the flat earth!
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    Twenty-one million employees in federal government. Ten million are parasites. Cut these employees. Our government is being sucked right into the arms of universal Bolshevism. Bolshevism is a mental disorder based upon sexual deviation. These are the bastards that nailed Christ to a tree. America is occupied by imported criminals out of the eastern world. These are sub-humans and usurpers of the highest echelons of government. We have troops in one-hundred forty nations, to protect and uphold the universal touring industry. These criminals are organized craftsmanship in controlling all states that thrive from tourism. In their wake is the pornography of
    mental instability, by way of blood-sucking parasites If your state survives via the touring industry then homeowners are over-taxed. Tourism sucks the blood out of people wherever bastards
    have a hold on public office. Yes, troops protect alien touring industries while no woman or child is safe on American streets. We have some sorry sons of bitches that front as stooges for fools in office----voters!
    ( BUZZARDS )

    Satan, disguised as a snake, was to make war on Eve and and her descendants, through Adam’s blood lineage. Apparently. Adam was not present. This is in accordance with biblical historicity. The Saluki dog, to the religious Muslim world of today, look upon this canine as somewhat holy and beneficial to their perception, as to adam and Eve. We know little about this animal only that it is accepted as the first earthly born dog. Supposedly, that the Saluki barked, is obviously. So,natural born domesticated dogs of the world after Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of eden, and walked beside a contemptuous mankind. Traversing from the beginning until the great Deluge; there is no mention of any specific mutt. We must assume that a divine animalistic creature ( Saluki ) never entered the ark. Our Muslim world holds the Saluki with divine elegance and Holy. Now, we must parallel the discord between a dog and a Viper, both of which were attendant to Adam and Eve. The good and the bad, that lay at the heels of Eve. Remember; it was Eve who tempted Adam. Satan comes onto the scene, not as a dog, but as a snake.
    It was over three thousand years later that Christ nailed his enemies as dogs. often naming them as swine. Indeed, as snakes, or vipers. Christ never used a personal epitaph except as to King Herod,----that fox !

    Today, our pseudo-democracy is in the hands of mad-dogs and plunderers. Such political renegades usually snake along on their gluttonous bellies. And now, dog-hauling humane societies throughout our nation is a front, in order to appeal to emotional citizens. Canine haulers will appear as animal lovers. This loathsome gangrene of political larcenists fit into between religion and political buffoonery. Hell has no greater furor than to expose dog-hauling and democratic swindlers. Many honest citizens use the mad-dog terminology, when describing these low-life bastards. This viper-like attitude trails back to Satan’s snake like image;when disgusting mouths splatter forth dishonest attempt, in drumming down their leud aspirations of satanic conglomerations. It is more clever to love a dog at home, than to view political dog-haulers making a public display to a veterinarian. These emerging snake handlers have formed a national wolf-pack from dogs to civil pandering, in performing within all public outhouses. Thank goodness that Sulaki never entered the Ark. Still, we have the serpent as state oriented.

    People do forget, but the ghost of history haunts every soul that strolls through the welcoming streets of this country, in harboring a disposition that life is great, while the good times roll. Beneath it all, the ongoing selective mob’s routine is constructing a royal road to hell, and little individual cognizance of the terror awaiting such fools. History does repeat itself. A death knell declares this. Ominous observation is a path back into the French Revolution of 1793. Obviously, this is planned for America. It cannot be avoided.
    Noticeably, the elements are in place of political embroilment. Too, local and alien land investors have locked into ownership investors on Wall Street. The massive touring industry is a circus across our country. The farming industry held in check by corrupt foreign idle minds, to be pleased with unimaginable desire for hungry entertainment, while streets are aliened with homeless, property- less citizens begging for food, as heavy industries have vacated to alien profits. The plan to uproot America is well lain.
    Global revolutionary cycles have always encircled civil societies, in awaiting the proper moment when mental and physical slavery yields to massive nihilism. This organized confusion is not coincidental, but has found its way into the heart and soul of our once great Republic. In reverting back to the France of 1793, our national government is sewing the same seeds of open negligence and criminal hostility over taxation and rigid police state regimentation. This is the final straw in breaking the camel’s back.
    In the revolutionary stage; consisted of the french insurrection in parliament were the Girondis menaced with liberalism– somewhat seeded in with the revolutionary component called Jacobin’s. Disagreement over assemblage obligation to be reconciled, unified, the Jacobin Club pulled into France professional revolutionaries, schooled in a spin-off, of an an Illuminati movement of a global influence of rule. Alien influence brought on the french terror. Then the Jacobin’s created the Montagards. This was a hired revolutionary gang under the Jacobin Club. This revolutionary seed line goes back to the days of ancient Esau, the ( Red ), God’s natural enemy. Incidentally, Girondis & Jacobite’s were democrats. their supposed to representative, within the assembly, opposed the stay of revolution, ( Robespierre ), was beheaded.
    Obviously, we have a domineering factor in Congress, of Girondis imposition to unseat our President. Those of Jacobin intimidation is to level our republic as a free state. We recognize this as one of many running for the Presidency is singled out for global mob instinct laden down with Esau’s contempt for christian civilization is galvanized into a vast machine of collectivized insanity, over a sub-normal behavioral mental neurosis as self-hatred.

    Who is financing Presidential candidates. How much from the Communist network over America. What about funds from the Trotsky / Leninist bunch receiving moneys from Uncle Sam. Too, a criminally devised hoard of ghetto masters, under the hood of mortgage gamblers. Only damned fools would pull a lever, in sending tax moneys to collectivized political gangsters; being anchored to both sorry bastards in conclusion, with a doubled-deck of hopeless scoundrels in collusion, as a two-party swindle drummed down into a pseudo Democracy. Mobs are useful in aiding swindlers into national office. Continue to think & act like a stupid mass of misled fools, to be hoodwinked under a national administration, in the arms of Marxian incipient socialism. FEMA, HLS, SWAT, & oppressive police all have gulags awaiting for ring in the nose individuals, as nihilistic cattle. America is being pulled into Eastern World fundamentalism. Vote & enlarge the hell that is to become your future. 
    Who is financing Presidential candidates. How much from the Communist network over America. What about funds from the Trotsky / Leninist bunch receiving moneys from Uncle Sam. Too, a criminally devised hoard of ghetto masters, under the hood of mortgage gamblers. Only damned fools would pull a lever, in sending tax moneys to collectivized political gangsters; being anchored to both sorry bastards in conclusion, with a doubled-deck of hopeless scoundrels in collusion, as a two-party swindle drummed down into a pseudo Democracy. Mobs are useful in aiding swindlers into national office. Continue to think & act like a stupid mass of misled fools, to be hoodwinked under a national administration, in the arms of Marxian incipient socialism. FEMA, HLS, SWAT, & oppressive police all have gulags awaiting for ring in the nose individuals, as nihilistic cattle. America is being pulled into Eastern World fundamentalism. Vote & enlarge the hell that is to become your future. 
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