THE MODERN WORLD’S FIRST ZION is a story that needs to be brought to as many people as possible.
This forgotten Manchurian paradise of “milk and honey” welcomes the world’s Jews with open
arms, unlike the Palestinian desert. This autonomous region was recently visited by the president of
Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, himself probably of Jewish stock. The Birobidzhan option is a viable and
equitable solution to the problem of Israel.
In the July 5th issue of AMERICAN FREE PRESs, Paul
Craig Roberts, the former assistant secretary of the
U.S. Treasury, writing after the Zionist lobby’s inter-
Jewish backbiting against veteran journalist Helen
Thomas, insisted he did “not want Israel destroyed.”
Whereas Ms. Thomas suggested returning Israeli Jews to
their old European haunts, Mr. Roberts
made what he called the “rhetorical
proposal to relocate Israelis in the
U.S.” Yet neither has been willing to
state the obvious: that Israel at no time
had any moral right to exist anywhere
in Palestine.
(The living criminal blueprint for
the Jewish state was drawn up by
Theodor Herzl in 1895 when Adolf
Hitler was aged 6, and World War II half a century away, and
therefore irrelevant to the plan.)
As it happens there is a real, rather than rhetorical, alternative
homeland option where the world’s Jews could relocate
in perfect safety. Here their security wall would be
optional rather than a self-fulfilling credal projection of their
anti-gentile identity. A homeland which has never provoked
desperate suicide bombings or rocket attacks, since its creation
did not involve mythic impostures of “God-given”
privileged real estate, the genocidal blueprint for piracy of
other people’s ancestral land or their credally “authorized”
displacement to besieged refugee camps.
The founding of this homeland predated the Zionist state
by two decades. This Jewish Republic (in all but name) is
the size of Switzerland. It still exists, and Yiddish is its first
official language. What is officially called the Jewish Autonomous
Region, though generally referred to by the name
of its capital city Birobidzhan, it is located on Russia’s southeastern
border with China. It was created in 1928 during the
early days of the former Soviet Union
and formalized in 1934.
I have had the opportunity to speak
about Birobidzhan on two occasions
this year in very different though
equally prestigious venues. These venues
each owe their best ethics essentially
to the Classical Greek scientific
attitude. The House of Lords in London,
Mother of Parliaments, still purveys
the aura of centuries-old sovereign tradition, though
sadly Zionist-occupied territory for the past century and a
half. By contrast the Iranian presidential headquarters in
Teheran is today the principal target of predatory Zionist
envy and aggression against the success of the Khomeini
revolution, which made Iran’s economy and foreign policy
off limits to international “greed is good”-oriented usurers.
On each occasion my public interventions on this subject
were carefully monitored and commented on by the Community
Security Trust (CST), the private army and intelligence
organization of the UK’s Jewish community. The CST
“The living criminal blueprint
for the Jewish state was drawn
up by Theodor Herzl in 1895
when Adolf Hitler was aged 6,
and World War II half
a century away.”
was set up in 1994 by jailbird tycoon Gerald Ronson, the archetypal
Jewish shtarker or “hardman,” who previously cofounded
the “62 Group,” a thuggish gang specializing in
brutal attacks on anti-Zionists in London and around the
United Kingdom.
While the 62 Group’s hitmen often found themselves on
the wrong side of the law, the increasing power of the Zionist
lobby in recent decades is reflected in the enhanced status of
Ronson’s newer Jewish security force. The CST is not only
tolerated by the British authorities, the Home Office and UK
police forces actively and openly assist their operations. Indeed
they act as a privileged nationalist police force within
another nation.
Earlier this year the CST found it “troubling” to note that
I “was speaking to a meeting at the House of Lords, where
[my] proposal was greeted with applause . . . to promote her
campaign to have Jews relocate en masse to Birobidzhan, a
Jewish autonomous region established
in the eastern Soviet Union by Stalin in
A few months later they were even
more concerned, noting my impromptu
address to a thousand international delegates
gathered at President Ahmadinejad’s
Teheran headquarters during the
4th International Conference on Imam
Khomeini and Foreign Policy, organized
by the Iranian Institute for Political
and International Studies.
I used this invitation to propose—directly to President
Ahmadinejad — Birobidzhan as a home for Israel’s Jews. It
is a ready-made, common sense option and just conclusion
to the rogue criminal occupation of Palestine.
As I explained to the assembled company: Indeed after
1928 European Jews had no need to pirate Palestine, and to
this day a Jewish Autonomous Region called Birobidzhan
exists peacefully and available on Russia’s southeast border
with China, having never displaced an indigenous people for
its creation. Today some Jews—for instance Prime Minister
Binyamin Netanyahu’s PR officer during a live televised debate with me—
try to claim that it was an act of anti-Semitism
when Stalin gave this region of 30,000 square kilometers (the
size of Switzerland) to Jews. The truth is that Stalin was providing
every ethnic group comprising the Soviet Union with
its own autonomous region, and nothing “anti-Semitic” has
ever endangered Birobidzhan during its 82 autonomously
Jewish, safe and peaceful years of existence.
Furthermore, in 1945, when secular European Jews were
crying “we are a people without a homeland, Palestine is a
land without a people,” again they lied, for in 1945 there was
no political impediment to prevent European Jewry heading
for the welcoming arms of their vast and long-established
Jewish Autonomous Region in Birobidzhan.
The same is true today, yet in our mainstream media we
hear not a word of Birobidzhan. Only rarely does the Jewish
Telegraphic Agency (JTA) mention Birobidzhan, and when
it does it refers to it disingenuously as a “district.” Which
district in the world is the size of Switzerland? The fact is
that since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, its ethnically
autonomous regions have been entitled to republic status,
yet the JTA lets us know that due to so-called “sensitivity”
to Israel, Birobidzhan has declined, due to fear of raising
gentile public awareness of its existence, to acknowledge its
status as this first Jewish homeland,
which is all but a state and republic.
My hope is that our singularly upstanding
President Ahmadinejad, who
speaks the whole political truth bravely,
will promote awareness of the first
Jewish homeland and that there is no
need for European Ashkenazim Jews to
go back to Germany, Poland or Austria
when they have their own state whose
first language is Yiddish.
Please view my “first homeland” option and morale rearmament
website at (also see for, in the spirit of Imam Khomeini,
there you will find a campaign for moral and morale
rearmament. The Palestinians whose Nakba constitutes the
greatest and longest tragedy of the 20th century—those
brave voters who democratically elected the long heroic
Hamas—deserve the return of every inch of their tormented
land, and not any part in the specious “one-state two-state”
farce. The immediate vacation of European Jews from all of
Palestine and compensation to the indigenous Arab people
is more than overdue to those who, for more than a century,
continue to fight for Reason at the front line of historical
truth and international justice for all of us.
The CST warned its supporters: “Ahmadinejad’s response
to Renouf ’s plea is not known. But if the Iranian
president does, at some point in the future, propose deporting
Israeli Jews to Birobidzhan, you will know where he
“Earlier this year the CST
found it ‘troubling’ to note
that I ‘was speaking to a
meeting at the House of Lords,
where [my] proposal was
greeted with applause’.”
heard it first.”
So let me tell you, dear doughty
readers of TBR. Eyeball to eyeball
the dauntless president said in English,
“you and me, we see it the
That may be because Khomeini’s
ongoing successful morale rearmament
revolution is surprisingly
like the key note of the
courageous bishop, Richard Williamson who
said: without historical
truth there can be no international
justice, and that “historical truth
goes by evidence, not by emotion.”
The opposing predatory strategy
of our international Zionist foe
depends upon the flimsy bind that
truth cannot matter to a man whose
livelihood depends upon his not
seeing it. Yet without a “prophecy
come true” swindling line, the advertising
mystique of the “Zionist
Entity” can be readily undone. As
Mr. Roberts points out, this charity
state is “heavily dependent on U.S.
largess.” So let’s just turn off the
American taxpaying pipeline to the
unworthy self-worshipping charity
state of Israel, Mr. Roberts.
I would suggest that the existence
of Birobidzhan is the non
“anti-Semitic” option that is missing in everybody’s “one-state
or two-state” farce.
However, as Mr. Roberts appears not to have seen
through the credal incompatibility of Judaism with Palestinian
equality, regrettably he returns to the consensually
floundering inoperative “nice” fantasy of Zionism’s critics
that “Israel should be moved or reformed.” But a “reformed
Israel” is nothing but an oxymoron. Hasn’t he noticed that
that Israel is the barbaric Old Testament made manifest? Israeli-
born “ex-jew” Gilad Atzmon certainly has said—and
he should know—that 97% of Israelis backed the “Operation
Cast Lead” gratuitous terror upon the besieged impoverished
Gazans. This proves that Old Testament-dedicated
Israel is morally non-“reformable.” Let’s just dismantle this
criminal entity and let Jewry live and let live in their Jewish
Republic of Birobidzhan so that the Palestinians need no
longer fight for Reason at the front line of historical truth
and international justice for all of us.
LADY MICHELE RENOUF is a truth activist, lifelong model and international TV commercials actress, socialite and former professional ballet dancer and beauty contest winner. She holds diplomas in art and educatio and became a lecturer at Queensland University of Technology. Lady Renouf has become known in recent years for her support of persecuted Revisionist historians. Her documentary Telling Films DVDs illustrating the issues in this article are all available online (profit-free) at her website Renouf's DVD Jailing Opinions is available in very limited quantities from TBR for $20 plus $3 S&H inside the U.S. You may also order Jailing Opinions directly from Renouf by following the link from the DVD / CD catalogue at or from