Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bay Area National Anarchists Position Statement

The official Twenty-Five Point Program of BANA was recently ratified. We hold the following points to be a true and fair description of our agenda:

1. Recognizing that the United States of America no longer represents the interests of the people and our tribes and is rapidly degenerating domestically and steadily being brought under the rule of a global corporate state internationally, the Bay Area National Anarchists (BANA) is established for building and supporting a unified resistance front among all groups, organizations and movements opposed to the common cultural and social threats to the native peoples of the nine Bay Area counties.

2. BANA is a non-partisan, secular, and open source, social movement. Our allies and supporters may come from any political party, ideological background, ethnic group or religion. BANA seeks to network with and form alliances with groups and individuals from many ideological backgrounds. Our grievance is with the power structure, not people with different beliefs.

3. We recognize that the nine Bay Area counties have a diverse and multicultural character that demands the creation of Autonomous Tribal Authorities that formally represent their members based upon the Identity that most suitable reflects the values of an individual and family. The Autonomous Tribal Authorities may be established on the basis of local, national, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, political, or other distinguishing characteristics.

4. In order to achieve the well being and independence of the nine Bay Area counties we hold that ecologically responsible and sustainable development take precedence over profit driven considerations.

5. BANA works for the creation of a self-sustainable autarchic economy oriented towards ecologically sustainable economy. BANA supports and fosters entrepreneurial endeavors for this purpose.

6. BANA seeks to help the poor free themselves from state dependency through the creation of alternative assistance programs, and non-governmental community works programs.

7. We advocate for a reform of the education system to be community-based private education. We encourage community-based initiatives such as neighborhood schools, home schools, apprenticeship, mentoring, self-education, and technology to reach this goal.

8. A peace officer corps should be developed based on the principles of volunteers, professionalism, and ethics. The jurisdiction of the peace officers is the tribal territory and their members. The sole purpose being to protect tribal property, tribal members, and social harmony.

9. BANA works for the abolition of all laws criminalizing consensual adult behaviors including drug laws, gun laws, sex laws, etc. BANA advocates that the victims of crime should be compensated by the offenders.

10. BANA calls for the establishment of a neighborhood-by-neigborhood, city-by-city, county-by-county volunteer defense force for tribal and national defense. This force may be either entirely private or under the supervision of local political institutions.

11. BANA supports the establishment of local based common law courts supervised by juries and with judges elected by the people and confirmed by a tribal council not connected to the state.

12. We do not accept the immigration policy of the United States as suitable for the Bay Area or recognize the validity of the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services for bestowing legitimate resident status in the Bay Area.

13. We do not endorse or condemn the private activities of consenting adults that do not interfere with public life and do not accept the California Department of Education curriculum of alternative family structures as suitable instruction for children.

14. We respect and honor the family as the smallest unit of political importance besides the individual. We also contend that adult individuals, being that it is kept private within their own household, will be allowed to practice any form of lifestyle they choose that does not interfere with public processes and ethical standards of their Tribe.

15. BANA works for the development of media outlets that provide alternatives to the state-corporate dominated media including shortwave radio, internet news services, public access television, independent publishing houses, newsletters, speakers’ bureaus and any other opportunities that may arise.

16. BANA seeks to reduce the price of housing for permanent residents of the Bay Area and promote affordable options for families.

17. BANA encourages the development of low cost housing collectives, neighborhood watch associations, volunteer firefighters, and Civilian Emergency Response Teams for responding to emergency’s.

18. BANA supports a program of non violence, civil disobedience, culture jamming, and will utilize a militant aesthetic if appropriate.

19. We feel it is vital to represent the interests of groups ignored or maligned by the mainstream media and academia.

20. We feel that the responsible and correct priority of society is to focus greater care towards grooming the next generation that includes active participation in community service groups and access to media.

21. We feel that society is enriched with a greater devotion to religious life and seek to increase participation in the various faiths that reside in the Bay Area.

22. We believe that the regulation of trade, public order, and international relations should not be conducted by officials not elected outside of the Bay Area.

23. We recognize that freedom transcends the Constitution and in all cases we support the right to free speech, freedom of association, the right to bear arms, and the principle of self defense.

24. To pursue this program the BANA collective is to be organized with the goal of gradually establishing a provisional Bay Area Authority to act as the champion and defender of the people of the Bay Area and represent their interests.

25. BANA aims to organize with the purpose of carrying out a comprehensive program of political, economic, social, cultural struggle against the system and represent the people of the Bay Area for the establishment of a decentralized collection of independent regions, communties, free cities, sovereign townships and counties, and villages in the nine Bay Area counties working in concert and confederation to best provide for the needs of the people.

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