Thursday, December 2, 2010

The United States “Economic Civil War”

Danny Panzella

Independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont gave an impassioned speech on the floor of the Senate yesterday. Mr. Sanders railed on the top 12th of  the top 1% of the wealthy in the United States. Highlighting their oligarchical control of the congress, their use of taxpayer money in the form of subsidies, grants, special tax exemptions and bailouts to continue to force the middle class into poverty.

While I disagree with Mr. Sanders assertion that the “Bush tax cuts” should be repealed, and the Death tax should remain in place, I whole heartedly agree with his assessment of the economic situation.

The government already taxes far beyond its authority, the Bush tax cuts are an attempt to limit the amount the federal government can tax, does it benefit the wealthy more than the poor and middle class? Certainly. Should it be repealed allowing the Government to confiscate wealth that does not belong to it, skim off the top and then redistribute a pittance to the little guy? Certainly not. As far as the death tax goes, that money has already been taxed once, to tax it again upon death only serves to ensure people spend their money before they die leaving no wealth for the younger generations to improve their economic status.

So if Sanders is wrong on the solutions to the very real crisis we are in, what are the solutions? It all begins with a sound money system. We need to Audit the private corporation that controls our currency and monetary policy. This will expose the corruption of the Federal Reserve system which will convince the American people it is time to abolish the Fed.

With the currency and monetary policy back in the hands of the congress who is accountable to “we the people” we will start to see economic policy that benefits the people. The next step in this process is to repeal the 17th Amendment, putting the election of Senators back into the hands of the State Legislators. This will ensure that these Senators are loyal to the State, and NOT special interest groups or the Federal Government. With direct election by the people the Senate is loyal to the Federal Government because that is how they protect their own power. Campaign finance reform is the third crucial step towards true Constitutional Government. In a world where dollars translate into political speech; the top 12th of 1% that Mr. Sanders mentions have all the voice while they have reduced we the people to little more than a vote.  In the age where the main stream corporate media are the gate keepers to decide which Candidates are given opportunity to address the people. Keep in mind that top 12th of 1% OWN the 6 corporations that OWN ALL of the main stream media.

The tea party has been a very important part of this process of getting our country back on track, yet much of the tea party is being co-opted by fake neo-conservatives like Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich. I can hear the groans now as people dismiss Bernie Sanders speech because he is a socialist. We the people need to unite on our commonalities so we can defeat the real enemy, that 12th of 1% that rules the United States through corporate monopoly control and the media induced illusion of choice.

The left and right need to put aside their ideological differences and build a coalition on the common interest of self preservation, preservation of our natural or human and civil rights. The tea party & coffee party for the most part desire the same goal. To bring true change to the United States. Peace, equality, to stamp out hunger and empower the poor to be successful; for each successive generation to enjoy a greater standard of living than the previous. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL mankind. Let’s work together to counteract the main stream propaganda media, identify the real problem and eliminate it. Then the tea party and coffee party can argue over the solutions once we the people are in control of our country once again.

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